Defraggler hangs under certain conditions.

Defragger seems to have a habit of hanging when you're column sorting entries i.e. size in forward and reverse order.

I suppose sorting a large number of entries would take a certain amount of time but this behaviour never happened with earlier versions of Defraggler.

Now I discovered another interesting trick which could also causes Defraggler to periodically hang.

First "Analyse" the Hard Drive, then go to "File list" and click on a file to display the cluster allocations.

Open an application like notepad and make maximise so it's totally obscured the Defraggler window.

Now minimise the application and you'll find that Defraggler becomes unresponsive for about 10secs - 2mins (the duration isn't consistent and doesn't always trigger).


The Process Explorer graph shows the following: red (kernel time) and cyan shows I/O activity the large block at the start is disk read activity.

I've hung Defraggler twice, this is showed by the green spike at the centre and at the end of the graph with no disk activity.

I'm not sure what's causing the hangs but it's interesting to note that in both cases the RAM usage increase and decrease while putting notepad on top and behind Defraggler.

I've also tested Defragger on another machine, and I get hangs too but not as severe as my main machine.

Has anyone else noticed periodic hanging while using Defraggler??

Richard S.