Why on earth is console version so freakin slow while GUI version does the same job in like 1/100th of console version!?
I wanted to setup console version to defragment my system drive on each system boot but on initial test (after already defragmented with Defraggler) it took ages. And here i am now...
Why on earth is console version so freakin slow while GUI version does the same job in like 1/100th of console version!?
I wanted to setup console version to defragment my system drive on each system boot but on initial test (after already defragmented with Defraggler) it took ages. And here i am now...
If it's a bug, it's a huge one...
my guess on this would be that the console version defrags the whole drive including free space... that is something that will take a lot longer then just defragging the fragmented files like the gui version does
if i'm wrong someone please correct me... IMO the command line version needs some more options... like don't defrag free space! lol
Defragmentation alone took like 5 times longer. Free space defrag was just as lenghty. And when i checked the drive with GUI version there were still loads of fragments... ugh?