Defraggler going slow

Thought I'd give it a go after a long time user of ccleaner.

Big mistake!

At the start it said no fragmented files. But after letting it run on a half full 3 tb disk for 12 hours i had to stop it as don't leave my Pc on 24/7

Sharted it off again today, I now have a 10% fragmented disk & estimated time of over another day!

Quite simply shoddy software avoid at all costs.

Or was it shoddy use of excellent software.

I would not risk disruption a defrag incase resumption failed.

What Operating system and version of Defraggler were you using.

if there were no frag'd files then DF didn't need to be run, but doing so isn't bad anyway.

It would have been trying to restructure your files into a more efficient layout (moving large files to the end and all that) but with you aborting the process mid-way, there would have been files in 'mid-move' that are now frag'd.

restart it and let it run to completion.

if it takes a long time - it takes a long time.

ver. 2.14.705 is running very slow? Analyze or Defrag of Freespace, the Building list takes 5 mins to get to 50%.... All your past versions took less than 10 seconds to start.

(Using Win XP - SP3, dual core intel & 3gb of ram)

Hi JIm.

If you do indeed have version 2.14.705, then uninstall it and go back to the previous version 2.13.670, which is now the latest version ...

The version you have was quickly taken down by Piriform although we haven't had an explanation as to why.

Apologies on their behalf, and "FileHippo" is another official download site.

EDIT: I'm sure you'll review your opinion after running version 2.13.670. :)

thank you for the reply, appx: 2 hours after using 2.14.705 yesterday, I did an uninstall & went back to 2.13.670

hi please see

moved to defraggler bugs board

I have version 2.14.706 now, and I can't say I am impressed, not with this version, not with the previous one.

I use Windows 7 Ultimate with SP1, 3 Gb RAM, my HDD was 6% fragmented.

However, the previous version took ages to get anywhere, never got it to complete a defrag, and this version is as bad.

It has been defragging for 11 hours now, and is still on 78%, while the remaining time keeps going up, it has gone up to 16 hours and 30 minutes now.

I think it was a horrible mistake starting to use defraggler and in my opinion, it might be best to just ditch it.

Hi mrfdes, and welcome to the forum.

There may be specific reasons as to why you're having the experience you are having with Defraggler, but you don't give much information to go on.

How big is the drive you're defragging, how much free space does it have, do you have a lot of big files (ie video) on that drive, are you trying to move large files to the end of the drive, have you excluded system volume information files from the defrag, etc etc?

And are you comparing it to other defrag programs?

It's entirely your prerogative to ditch it if you wish, but it would be interesting to find out if there is a reason for this, or are you having more success with other defrag programs on the same drive?

Em português, minha língua natal:

- Realmente, o DEFRAGGLER é muito mau!

Enquanto os outros programas de desfragmentação fazem o trabalho em poucas horas, o Defraggler demora dias inteiros!

Ainda ontem abortei um serviço de desfragmentação ao fim de 28 horas, e nunca mais parava!

NOTA: eu estou a utilizar a versão maia recente do programa (tal como faço com todos os programas da Piriform. Ainda há minutos baixei a versão mais actual do CCleanner, com data de hoje...).

Alguém poderá ajudar a resolver este bugg?





IN ENGLISH (Google Tradutor help)

- Really, Defraggler is very bad!

While other defragmentation programs do the job in a few hours, Defraggler takes whole days! Impossible!

Just yestarday aborted a service defragmentation after 28 hours (!!!), and never stop!

NOTE: I am using the lastest version of this program (as I do with all programs Piriform. Yet minutes ago downloaded the most current version of CCleanner with today's date...).

Someone can help solve this bugg?

Tanhk you.