Defraggler does not defrag C:\System Volume Information\

Defraggler does not defrag C:\System Volume Information\. I now have 8 files with this path, all of which are in the million size numbers with cryptic file names. Here is an example of one of them:


Any assistance here would be appreciated.

Windows Vista Home Premium is the OS

System Volume Information can't be defragged in Vista or Windows 7. There aren't any defraggers that I know of that can do it whether at boot or any other way. You can keep it under control by temporarily disabling System Restore (C:\System Volume Information are System Restore files). This will delete all the old restore points. Then enable System Restore again and create a new restore point. You may have to do this periodically.

Deleting System Restore Points is useless.

Simply add C:\System Volume Information\ to Defraggler's Exclude list (you'll have to enable system folders in Windows Explorer's options)

Defraggler doesn't touch C:\System Volume Information because this folder (with exception to fat32) is protected by NTFS file security permissions by default.

I'm not sure if this works with Vista / Win7 but to gain access to SVI under XP you must login as Administrator, change the folder security permissions and give full access to Administrator (or to another user account).

Richard S.

It's not useless to delete C:\System Volume Information if you want to free up disk space. These files replicate like crazy and deleting them and starting fresh is the best way I know to keep them under control.

The System Restore Points can take a limited amout of your total disk space - I think it's 15% by default. You can change it somewhere.

It's not useless to delete C:\System Volume Information if you want to free up disk space. These files replicate like crazy and deleting them and starting fresh is the best way I know to keep them under control.

In Vista:

Open up a command prompt as Admin and type: 

vssadmin list shadowstorage

This will show you how much disk space System Restore is using.

Then you can type the following to change the size:

vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /Maxsize=3GB

Change the /Maxsize to whatever you want. =)

In Windows 7:

Go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> System (or right click on Computer and select Properties). Click on System protection link in the tasks pane on the left.

In System Properties? System Protection tab, there will be a Protection Settings section. Select a drive and click on Configure button to change the parameters related to
System Protection and System Restore. The Max Usage value can be set to limit the maximum amount of disk space System Protection (System Restore) can use.

Enjoy! =)

Negativo, i need together all file from C:/System Value Information, include New-software.sys New-COMPONENTS.sys and Syscache.hve.


Apart from this thread being more than 5 years old, your post makes little sense, at least to me. :blink:

Do you want to defrag System Volume Information?

Sirio you have replied to a thread which hasn't been posted in for over 5 years.

Thread now closed.