Defraggler disappears from context menus after one use. The Windows Integration section of Options is grayed out. If I reinstall, it only appears one time. The Context Menu section of Startup in CCleaner says it's active.
Any ideas? (Win 7 Ult 64-bit)
If you run ShellExView does it show Defraggler?
See anything in the list that might cause a conflict?
Thanks for the suggestion. I ran ShellExView. Everything looks good near as I can tell (same as in CCleaner). I'm not sure what to look for in the way of possible conflicts.
Are there any items listed that you don't have installed anymore for example?
If so try disabling them
I've been using Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (clean install) since its release. Defraggler has worked perfectly since I installed it including the context menu integration. As of yesterday, the problem with the disappearing context menu entry and grayed out Integration section has reappeared. I've again checked the Startup page in Ccleaner and Autoruns. Both say DefragglerShell64.dll is loading.
Is anyone else having this problem?