Defraggler Creating Fragments

I analyzed my drive, ran defraggler, and it got more fragmented and there is less free space. I did not pause or stop the defrag.

Before Defrag


After Defrag


I have experienced this as well while using Defraggler but I won't say anything else as I am not familiar with how this program works.

I have always seen an increase in speed after using defraggler, but agree it is hard to understand the reported left fragments. Is it possible that some windows files can not be defraged? Such as system restore, some log files that are in use, hiden system files, etc. I do keep my system restore file small (1GB or less) or in Vista I turn it off because we can not control how big it gets. Also malicious software seems to hide in the system restore.

I think the drive map is buggy, I reported a similar problem a few weeks ago regarding Defraggler drawing red blocks that don't exist.

Restart Defraggler and re-analyse your hard drive again.

Richard S.