Hi, I have recently started using Defraggler v2.00.230. Previous versions have been fine.
On running "normal"/full defrag: it reaches 88%-90% then the Microsoft error dialog pops up: "Defrgaggler has encountered a problem and needs to close ..."
Reading other posts, I have done the following:
* Removed all but the most recent system restore point.
* Run CCleaner (cleaning disk and registry)
* Selected all files in list of fragmented files then choose "Defrag Checked". This works OK
* Run Quick defrag. This works OK (and reports 0% fragmentation).
After all of the obove, running full defrag again crashes as described above.
I am also seeing this issue in 2.00.030. The problem did not manifest itself in earlier versions. Even with multiple bug submissions fromyour users, it appears that no one from Defragger has come up with a fix yet. All I see is that they ask the users to submit a bug report, which they all do, but that is the end of the thread. The ball is in Defragger's court now. Please respond to these user submissions with an indication that you understand the bug, or that you need the users to help you with more bug submission.
The alternative is that your users will just use other products, or as in my case, revert to the older product that doesn't crash. I love your company, but as a user, I have my own job to do and unless you ask for help, I cannot babysit your product other than report if there are issues.
I am also seeing this issue in 2.00.030. The problem did not manifest itself in earlier versions. Even with multiple bug submissions fromyour users, it appears that no one from Defragger has come up with a fix yet. All I see is that they ask the users to submit a bug report, which they all do, but that is the end of the thread. The ball is in Defragger's court now. Please respond to these user submissions with an indication that you understand the bug, or that you need the users to help you with more bug submission.
The alternative is that your users will just use other products, or as in my case, revert to the older product that doesn't crash. I love your company, but as a user, I have my own job to do and unless you ask for help, I cannot babysit your product other than report if there are issues.
Paul, I understand your frustration, however the developers do read all threads. They may not comment in every one, but they do work on the bugs that are reported. Please have patience, as some bugs do prove more dificult than others, and a developer must first recreate the bug before it can be fixed.