DEFRAGGLER could be so much better...

Hi There;

It would be amazing, if Defraggler could prevent fragmentation (in the background, when actually writing/deleting files, or while the system is idle), the same way that the application called "DISKEEPER" does it already. It's truly "HANDS-FREE"!


+ 1

But with a small change.

Perhaps include a way that Defraggler can auto activate & run if fragmentation levels exceed say, 25% (user selectable percent?).

Include the option to lock-out SSD drives when checking for fragments.

You missed the point entirely...

'Diskeeper 2010' installs, and then you never ever need to worry about defragging, or analyzing your disks ever again. Your disk(s) will ALWAYS be at MINIMUM fragmentation - automatically! (you never have to do anything at all - just leave it, and let IT monitor your discs for you).

IQ171, This is an official forum for a software, this is not the place to suggest competitive products please stop doing that. Thank you

I did not remove these posts, out of courtosy, as you are atempting to suggest a betterment for Defraggler, so I will assume your heart is in a good place, however you keep suggesting this product in other threads too. This makes me suspicious. Please stop this at this point.

I, personally, do not feel this is a good feature and would cause undo strain on the life of a drive. On top of that, it also would cause a program to be running in the background constantly, not something I would prefer to occur from most programs.

Diskeeper sounds like a drive killer to me, I would personally have my file system fragmented rather than have some program hammering my hard drive in the background for the sake of a few clusters.

File fragmentation is something that's unavoidable but modern drives are so fast that I doubt anyone would really notice a performance difference from a fragmented file system to a defragged one.

Richard S.

You missed the point entirely...

'Diskeeper 2010' installs, and then you never ever need to worry about defragging, or analyzing your disks ever again. Your disk(s) will ALWAYS be at MINIMUM fragmentation - automatically! (you never have to do anything at all - just leave it, and let IT monitor your discs for you).

While this WILL make your system run faster, the net effect is the constant shuffling of files will shorten your drive life.

Usually just the occasional defrag is recommended so that you have a balance between drive life/performance.