umm haven't already made this suggestion?
also doesn't a GUI defeat the purpose of using the Command Line?
Can't remember....
But even lowly ipconfig, run from the commandline, still shows an indicator of sorts that something has happened, even though it is a textual display.
Defraggler shows nothing at all.
This is very confusing, because even though u can launch task manager, it is a pain, just to check if a process has loaded or not.
Windows scheduler doesn't always work properly, so the addition of a tiny icon near the clock that shows 1%, then updates to 2%, etc, all the way to 100% would be something a user can verify that yes, task scheduler is working, and yes, defraggler did load.
I know that perhaps u wonder how that can be beneficial, but I do really like to know something is working. Additionally, it may prevent a user from "crashing" defraggler if they see it loaded & keep them from shutting down the PC early, just because defraggler is still running.
Some claim Windows handles exceptions like these, but I am not sure that it is always safe to shut down in the midst of a defrag project.
I just think it will be safer to just show some sort of icon so users can see something is being processed so they won't freak out when "Oh! My computer is running so much slower than normal!" etc, while the very thing they scheduled to run (defraggler) loads hidden in the background!
Having some sort of visual indicator that it is at least running & doing it's job, would really, really help!