Defraggler chewed up all free disk space

On the recommendation of a friend I downloaded and ran defraggler last night before going to sleep. This morning I went to my PC to see the results only to find out that Defraggler was only 77% complete (about 100 files, and 8.6 GB remaining). What's more disturbing, however, was that before defragging I had approximately 50 GB of free disk space (on a 200 GB drive), but now Defraggler is showing less than 10 MB (that's not a typo). The application appears to still be working and I am afraid to stop it as a result.

I'm running Windows XP that is current with regards to MS udpdates. Any help would be appreciated.


Download TreeSizeFree Portable : (make sure you select "" in the dropdown list) and look for big files somewhere on your drive;)

Download TreeSizeFree Portable : (make sure you select "" in the dropdown list) and look for big files somewhere on your drive;)

How big is big? There are several vids (>10) that are in excess of half a gig each.

More importantly, is it safe to stop defraggler right now so I can download and install this app? If I have no disk space available while defraggler is running, will it return it when it stops? I wouldn't need all 50 GB returned, but with only 10 MB, there isn't much I can do.


TreeSizeFree is small, so you should be able to use it without interrupting Defraggler.

By "bug files", I mean "abnormally big files that you don't know" ;)

I will try that app once Defraggler has finished. My wife has informed me that the process has moved on and is now 86% done with approximately 54 GB free (yay). Looks like it was using a lot of swap space on some large files but has since returned it to me. If anything changes I will let you know.


I too am having the same problem. I had around 40% free space on my 222GB disk. Over the last few weeks it has now decreased to only 1.6GB free! I've just realised that it is Defraggler causing it as after I ran it again last night.

I've just joined this forum for help on this matter.

I've just installed TreeSize Free and it shows I have only 1% (1.6GB) free. Yet the size of C: files & folders add up to only 109.8GB.

I do have another partition on the drive, but that is only 3.6GB.

So where is my other 112GB gone?

After reading comments on other threads, I disabled System Restore and hence deleted all the restore backups and it's sorted - I now have 116GB free space back.

So why is Defraggle causing this? The disk space was fine until I ran Defraggle. Each time it ate more disk space. After running it four times it ate around 100GB.

Edited by moderation: Removed vulgarity and banned member!