Defraggler Boot Time Defrag Doesn't Start on Windows 7 Pro

I am using Windows 7 Professional and when I tell Defraggler to run a boot time defrag it reboots my system and the command line Defraggler starts flashes for a second and then Windows continues to load. It doesn't appear to be defragging my system at all. After running another analysis my drive is still just as fragmented. Anyone else having this issue?


Same issue for me running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

this also happens on win7 32bit and 64bit home premium

I believe the developers are currently working on recreating and fixing this bug. Just to make sure you are all running the latest version of defraggler, please post your version number. (Go to Help>about in defraggler)


Sorry to bring up a slightly older thread but, the threadstarter described exactly what happens on my windows XP SP3 when I tried a boot time defrag, I am running the latest version of Defraggler (V2.01.239), is there any news or fixes for this issue? I looked over the Docs to see if I could find anything about it but found nothing, just to make sure this wasn't some common issue that's been sorted many a time before. I like defraggler, and I think it would be nice if this feuture worked :)


I'm running the latest version 2.01.239 x64 under windows 7 x64 ultimate and just tried the boot time defrag, because it isn't defraging the drive while in windows (I have tried twice now)


OK it seems a lot of you don't understand what Defraggler's boot-time defrag is doing. If you select it it doesn't defragment the enitre drive at system startup only those that are normally locked becuase they are in use, like pagefile.sys (the page file) and some of the files in Windows\system32\config. So if your computer doesn't have any of these fragmented files then boot-time defrag will do nothing.