Defraggler and Vista Extremely Slow

I've been using Defraggler on a number of laptops rangings from three year old ones running XP with SP1, SP2 and SP3. I also have it on a brand new laptop running Windows 7 Professional and Windows Vista Professional. All of them work as they shoudl with the XP ones defragging in under an hour. The Windows 7 one does it in about 20 minutes, but then it doesn't have the full complement of software installed on it yet.

The Vista laptop on the other hand is a dog. It has 4GB of RAM and the same apps as the other laptops. Hard disk is bigger but other than that, the only difference is the OS. The trouble is that it takes forever to defrag. I'm talking nearly 8 hours, and that was defragged less than a month ago like the others. Any suggestions as to why this one should be so slow?

Is the built-in Vista defragger on? It runs automatically in the background if you don't disable it. If you defragged a month ago with Defraggler, the Vista defragger may have run several times since then and undone everything Defraggler did.

Start>My Computer>Right Click Hard Drive C>Properties>Tools>Defragment Now>Uncheck 'Run on a schedule'.

Excellent. Spot on. Didn't know about that in Vista. Just checked the Windows 7 laptop and that had a schedule set up, so it's now been turned off! Thanks.

Great! That might not completely solve the problem but at least it can't hurt. :)