Defraggler 110% fragmented :blink:

Just scanned a drive and Defraggler reckons its a 110% fragmented???? :huh: I think it's got its sums wrong or is it just being sarcastic <_<:lol:


The drive is a Western Digital 250Gb SATA WD2500JD formatted as NTFS and used for storage or my Wii games., I scanned the Main Hard drive C: and that reported 41% fragmented... yes I know, I'll do it more often {slaps self on wrist} The drive is attached to the PC via a USB SATA docking Station CnM SATA HDD Docking Station to be exact. Excellent item if; like me, you have a load of SATA HDD's lying around being useless, also good for PC fixing SATA HDD's

So why is defraggler reporting the 110% fragmented

Have you got any compressed files/folders on this drive ?

They are blue in Windows Explorer.

all the folder names and file names are blue

Got the same issue on a number of Windows 2003 Enterpise terminal servers.

This one for example shows 180% fragmentation! :blink::huh: Is there a solution yet? I keep installaing new versions as they come out, but there is not improvement. Windows defragmenter says the drive is only 17% fragmented.
