Defraggler 1.18.185 Gets Stuck Forever at 90 Percent

When attempting to defragment my hard disk drive, Defraggler hangs or gets stuck at about the 90% mark. After going quickly up to 90%, the program appears to loop among a list of files. There is little or no activity on the sector display. The activity wheel rotates but there is no advancement from that point. It never finishes the job.

The zipped debug output file is attached.

I ran the Check Drive for Errors task. It completed the test error-free.

Windows XP

Defraggler Version 1.18.185

Drive: NTFS, 40.9 GB free of 74.5 GB

Thanks, we'll have a look at this :)

Thanks, we'll have a look at this :)

MrRon, the same problem for me, on my notebook with Seven Ultimate 64 Bit and Defraggler 64 Bit : by "analyzing" my external firewire disk Maxtor 160 GB (named X:) Defraggler stops at 32%, and the debug output file says that the disk X: was correctly initialized, but the "redirection of Wow64" failed. Defragmenting the internal disks C: and D: works properly, instead.

Thanks you for your suggestions.

When attempting to defragment my hard disk drive, Defraggler hangs or gets stuck at about the 90% mark. After going quickly up to 90%, the program appears to loop among a list of files. There is little or no activity on the sector display. The activity wheel rotates but there is no advancement from that point. It never finishes the job.

The zipped debug output file is attached.

I ran the Check Drive for Errors task. It completed the test error-free.

Windows XP

Defraggler Version 1.18.185

Drive: NTFS, 40.9 GB free of 74.5 GB

Completely uninstall the old version, delete the settings.ini file, & download/install the new 1.19 version.

Report here if you are still having the same problem.


I've been using version 1.19.192 without success so I uninstalled it. The settings.ini file was not found but I removed the Defraggler.exe.[1_18_185][2010-05-10_11-40].txt file from the directory. Then I removed that directory.

I reinstalled version 1.19.192 and ran Check Drive for Errors. The test was unable to complete successfully and the program offered to run CHKDSK. That, of course, fails. Defraggler is using it.

I restarted Windows to run CHKDSK at startup. It completed checking the disk. The Event Viewer shows, in part, the following report for winlogon:

Cleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive.

Cleaning up 6695 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.

Cleaning up 6695 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.

Cleaning up 6695 unused security descriptors.

CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...

Usn Journal verification completed.

CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the

master file table (MFT) bitmap.

Windows has made corrections to the file system.

I ran Defraggler again to defragment the drive. Again it hangs at 89% complete with 59 fragmented files, 137 total fragments and 1% fragmentation. There is no activity on the sector display.



can you use version 1.20 to generate a /debug log file with this issue present? A screenshot of the drive map after the disk analysis would be also very helpful.

Best regards


I updated to version 1.20.201 and ran it in debug mode. It's getting better. Defraggler was able to complete the run. The log (compressed) and the before and after images of the drive map are attached.

The mouseover tags of the outlying blue squares in the 'after' drive map indicate either "No files are in the block" or "1 files are in the block."

The Help file indicates that "The log file will be in this folder in the format: Defraggler_log[date].txt." There is no _log file to be found so I'm attaching the .exe[version][date].txt file.



I'm getting the same thing. Defraggler runs till appx. 88-89%, then I get an error window that says,

"Defraggler has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

At the bottom of the window is a prompt to send a Microsoft Error Report.

I have version 1.20.201

I uninstalled it from my computer, then reinstalled it. Same problem

Computer reboot does not help.

Until last week the Defraggler worked just fine.

Any suggestions.


My defraggler is stuck at Building File list 100%. I run Windows XP. Should I shut down and try again or what? The whole program has been running at least 12 hours!

Using v 1.21.209

My defraggler is stuck at Building File list 100%. I run Windows XP. Should I shut down and try again or what? The whole program has been running at least 12 hours!

Using v 1.21.209

Run CCleaner, then try this:

- Sometimes restore points can cause problems, so disable restore points on your system to purge old entries.

- Re-enable System Restore & create a new system restore point so that if things go wrong, you have something to restore back to.

- Try Defraggler again

If Defraggler still fails:

- Try opening Defraggler, then go to the file list tab. Select all files & see if it will defrag.

- If this fails, try Quick Defrag & see if that works.

- If that works, try to do the full drive defrag.

Let me know if you still have problems.