Defraggler 1.04.098 Install First Run

Ok guys/gals.

I've downloaded Defraggler 1.04.098 for my WinXP drive.

1. On installation we aren't asked if we want to check for updates as we are with CCleaner and Recuva. So when first run is says no internet connection, stupid. So we have to go into options and uncheck the update check.

2. When first run the window size is that big I can't see the title bar to maximize. I have to change my screen resolution so it fits then I can maximize then close. Now CCleaner and Recuva both start of smaller that the screen size then you change it to what ever you want it to be. No problem because stores the sizes in the registry or ini if you use it so it can use these value the next time it starts up.

3. Now if I make programs that are to big for the screen size then no one would be very happy to use them. So Mr.G please don't make the window size larger that the available screen when its run for the first time.

4. I ran Defraggler for 20 minutes and it only did 10%. I don't know how long it does take for a full defrag but I did a Windows defrag before I closed it last weekend and I have install much since then. I will try another full defrag the next time I use the drive. ;)

I've just install Defraggler 1.04.098 on a friends new laptop. As before you start it up and you can't see the title bar. Change screen resolution but the screen res was already on max so I set it to min 640x480 while Defraggler was still running then the title bar showed. So I maximized closed Defraggler, set the screen back to max. Restarted Defraggler and I was able to maximize then correctly.

Its still back to do not exceed maximum screen size on startup. ;)

P.S. I noticed the other day and again today but I forgot to mension. Why do you need to show the filename that is being defraged in the label at the bottom? This surely takes milliseconds to know the next file that display it then show the next file etc. I've read comments on users saying how long it takes to do a full defrag so this doesn't need to be showing as every second counts. :angry:

Ok other Defraggler problems.

I ran Windows defrag first just to check how bad it was. It wasn't to bad, it did it in 10 minutes but the picture still shows defragable file around the drive.

Anyway I run Defraggler and after about 10 minutes its only done 20% so I go make my dinner and leave it running. I come and check after dinner to see how far its got and all thats showing is my desktop picture with no icons or taskbar, press reset. Start again and watch it this time. After 40 minutes it gets to 88% and Windows restarts with touching anything. Startup again and start it running again. Now considering it did 88% last time how come it starts at the beginning? I leave it running will I make a mug of coffee as bordom is setting it. I come back and guess what the only thing showing is? The desktop picture, so I uninstall Defraggler, its crap.

I may at some long later date try an earlier version that has most of the bugs sorted out.

P.S. With CCleaner and Recuva Twisted_Metal made seperate help files I can't find any for Defraggler, anyone know anything about one? There is either a web link to help as there is in CC and Recuva. ;)

P.S. Oh another thing I can't get into Safe Mode so I can't Defraggler in Safe Mode either. The usual tap F8 select Safe Mode then the welcome screen come up with Administrator or Keith. Well I'm admin in both so I click admin and the restarts the computer. I do the same and select Keith and guess what restart again.

Edit: I've downloaded Defraggler 1.03.093 I will have to see if thats any better. ;)

Ok update.

Because of the problems I had with Defraggler 1.04.098 I download Defraggler 1.03.093 which is a couple of versions back.

I set it running and it actually got to 100% and still going I was amazed. Then guess what happened, the BSOD appeared so I turned it off. So when it comes down to it I'm not impressed with Defraggler. :angry:


1. How come it will shows Defragmenting (100%) but it still shows 45 Fragmented files (2.2MB) still left to do? If it shows 100% then its done isn't it?

2. The other thing is how can you read and defrag files in C:\System Volume Information? If I only click on that folder I get a no access warning. I know it stores backups for system restore but why can't I look in there?

Well considering 655 people have clicked on this topic no one has made a single comment, apart from me.

I'm not used to Defraggler so I maybe doing something wrong, I'm looking for the Defraggler experts to put me right. ;)

Well considering 655 people have clicked on this topic no one has made a single comment, apart from me.

I'm not used to Defraggler so I maybe doing something wrong, I'm looking for the Defraggler experts to put me right. ;)

I'm no expert, but one reason nobody has commented is that most of the issues you raise are covered in other posts. I'll give a quick rundown of a few I can remember.

1) The screen size thing. I haven't a clue what is happening here. I've used every version of Windows (really!) and Defraggler since it came out and have never experienced that, it always creates a screen smaller than the set size. Perhaps your PC is not setup correctly? Have you installed Defraggler on other PCs with the same result?

2) There is no manual or help file yet. They're working on it but I've never found it necessary since queries are covered in the forum.

3) You should never attempt to do anything with system restore files. Even to want to look at them suggests that you don't understand the basics of backup. As I understand it, the system restore area is contiguous disk space anyway, so fragmentation is not an issue there. My personal view is that system restore is a shotgun approach to backup and it is much better to setup a dedicated facility yourself on a dedicated disk. This ensures that you understand what is going on and only backup things that need to be backed up.

4) I don't see how Defraggler could prevent you from booting in Safe Mode. Again, it suggests that there may be things wrong with your system. I suggest that at very least you check the integrity of your file system before doing anything else.

5) The Windows fragmentation utility is very limited, being a very old cut down version of Diskeeper. I wouldn't compare it with any other.

6) If Defraggler takes a long time to defrag your disk that is because either it is very badly fragmented, or has a lot of read/write errors. Check the integrity of your disk.

7) You mention that some files are defragmented after Defraggler has finished. All fragmentation utilities do this. There is no point defragmenting absolutely everything, it would take hours, wear out your disk faster, and the first read/write operation would spoil it again. What they do is defragment stuff that affects the disk performance to a certain level.

8) Because of your problems, you say Defraggler is crap. I have used the market-leading Diskeeper for years, decided to go for all free utilities under Windows and tried all the options. Only JKdefrag comes close to beating Defraggler, is much more complex to use, and less well supported. I decided that Defraggler defragments at least as well and have no regrets about continuing to support it. It has occasional bugs, but I have never found anything serious, they are fixed quickly, and bug-free software just doesn't exist.


Thanks for you comments Tom.

1) The screen size thing. I haven't a clue what is happening here. I've used every version of Windows (really!) and Defraggler since it came out and have never experienced that, it always creates a screen smaller than the set size. Perhaps your PC is not setup correctly? Have you installed Defraggler on other PCs with the same result?

My PC is setup as its always been for many years without this slight problem. Yes I've installed it on another PC with the same results.

3) You should never attempt to do anything with system restore files. Even to want to look at them suggests that you don't understand the basics of backup. As I understand it, the system restore area is contiguous disk space anyway, so fragmentation is not an issue there. My personal view is that system restore is a shotgun approach to backup and it is much better to setup a dedicated facility yourself on a dedicated disk. This ensures that you understand what is going on and only backup things that need to be backed up.

I'm not attempting to do anything with the files in C:\System Volume Information. I'm just curious how Defraggler can access and defrag files when I can't even look in that folder.

4) I don't see how Defraggler could prevent you from booting in Safe Mode. Again, it suggests that there may be things wrong with your system. I suggest that at very least you check the integrity of your file system before doing anything else.

I didn't say Defraggler prevented me from booting in Safe Mode. I just can't access Safe Mode.

P.S. Oh another thing I can't get into Safe Mode so I can't Defraggler in Safe Mode either. The usual tap F8 select Safe Mode then the welcome screen come up with Administrator or Keith. Well I'm admin in both so I click admin and the restarts the computer. I do the same and select Keith and guess what restart again.

7) You mention that some files are defragmented after Defraggler has finished. All fragmentation utilities do this. There is no point defragmenting absolutely everything, it would take hours, wear out your disk faster, and the first read/write operation would spoil it again. What they do is defragment stuff that affects the disk performance to a certain level.

I'm just talking about logic here. If you see a progress counter that starts at zero and goes up to 100% this would suggest to me that is the percentage of the work undertaken. So when it reaches 100% then work is completed. When it reached 100% it kept on going for another 5 minutes before it crashes Windows with the BSOD. It said Defragmenting (100%) but it still shows 45 Fragmented files (2.2MB) still left to do?

Thats a very slight annoyance with CCleaner. The progress bar even when its finished shows 100%. You tend to think is it still running or not. After its finished it show go back to zero or just clear the bar. I make programmes so thats what I would do, logically. ;)