I was going to defrag my 80G.B. hard drive which is 87%full/13%free space. I used the built in windows XP defragger. When i did, it said i need more free space to defrag correctly. I was like WTF, i cant defrag if i fill up my drive past a point?
So i tried Defraggler on the drive, and it worked perfectly. I was so happy. Thanks to all the talented ppl who make this wonderful free product. Much appreciated.
PS:Does Deraggler need a certain amount of free space to work?
If I remember rightly, I think most defraggers need about 15% free space to do a defrag.
From what you say, you are right at the limit, which explains why one defragger turned it's nose up, and another didn't.
Wouldn't hurt to get rid of stuff surplus to requirements, or better still, get another drive before you slip over that limit.
If I remember rightly, I think most defraggers need about 15% free space to do a defrag.
From what you say, you are right at the limit, which explains why one defragger turned it's nose up, and another didn't.
Wouldn't hurt to get rid of stuff surplus to requirements, or better still, get another drive before you slip over that limit.
Yeah, that might be a good idea. I have other drives i cant transfer some of it to. Seem like a waste that you cant use the last few GB of data on a HD.