Defragger crashes some programs

After running Defragger 1.16 and rebooting Norton 2010 internet security would not run and had to be reinstalled. Again after running it 2 weeks later Norton crashed again and had to be reinstalled. Also this time Google Earth became corrupted and had to be reinstalled. Windows XP SP3 Sony machine with 3 gig dual processor and a 200 Gig hard drive only 30% full. This problem only happened on the first startup after running Defragger 1.16 each time. Scan Disk reports no errors.

First, if you do not have the latest version of Defraggler, Download Defraggler v1.17.172 and install.

If you exclude Norton directories, Norton files are not going to be defragmented.

The problem is probably that there are Norton files in use. Defraggler does not detect this and Norton files are damaged to defragment. Another possibility is that Norton encrypt logs somewhat rare, and also to defragment, it somehow corrupted the encryption method.

Enter on Defraggler Settings, and in the Exclude tab add the folders of Norton 2010 Internet Security.

I do not use Norton, I think the following are some of the folders where you keep files and settings. But just in case, use the file search to find all folders related to "Norton 2010 Internet Security" and "Norton".

  • C:\Program Files\Symantec

    C:\Program Files\Norton

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared

    C:\Documents And Settings<span style=“color:#FF0000;”>Your Account\Application Data\Symantec

    C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec

    C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Symantec


After running Defragger 1.16 ...

Assuming you can definitely tie in your Norton problem to post-defragmentation issues...

Have you always had this problem with Defraggler, regardless of the verion? It's conceivable that there are certain Norton files that object to being moved around; it may be a conflict issue with Norton and defragmentation tools generally. And it may depend on what Norton options are set - other users may be quite happily defragging with Norton installed but their user configuration and options might be different.

Have you tried the built-in Windows defrag, or another defrag tool (e.g. Auslogics' free tool)?

Check out any links for 'Norton defrag problem' to try and determine if this is a generic issue.