
Can anyone recommend a good defrag program? I've heard that the bundled XP jobbie is pretty useless. :)

Bundled with XP works. But maybe there is some better, I dont know.

Diskeeper 10 or Perfect Disk

both work great

I recommend Diskeeper Lite 9 which is free. To get this version follow these steps:

Go here:

Download: "Full Version - Intel Desktop Utilities v2.1.9.66 [EXE 88.9 MB]"

Unzip the File.

Navigate your way here: IDU_2.1.9.66\3rdparty\Diskeeper

Double click on "setup.exe"

Diskeeper 10 or Perfect Disk

both work great

Thanks for that. I've heard other good reports of Perfect Disk, so I think I'll give that a try.

but one thing about these program i dont like is that it runs a process in the background... i guess this process is used for scheduling, and this process uses quite a bit of RAM (about 6,000K for diskeeper)... i disabled this process unless i want to defrag my disk... but if you have a lot of RAM and dont mind it sit in the background half of the time doing nothing then it shouldnt be a problem for you... the 1 in diskeeper is DkService.exe

Diskeeper 10 , got it scheduled to defrag every night, cool utility, best amongst the automatic ones. The MFT and page file defrag feature is good too.

Every night? What a waste of time and disk wear/tear.

That is crazy to schedule it to run every single night. That is way too much, far over the top. Once a month is more than enough.

You have to balance it. Too much of something good is bad. Example, if you eat a piece of cake it is good. But if you eat 3 whole cakes, then its bad.

DirMS very small and no installation required

I run applications constantly in the background that fragment some of my partitions very heavily. I have scheduled Diskeeper to run once every night, and it usually completes within a few minutes. That's hardly any "wear/tear" on the disk compared with the I/O heavy apps that run 24*7.

Yeah, I suppose that is true.