Deep scan stuck at 97%


I had a couple of files saved to the desktop of my laptop which I mistakenly moved to the recycle bin which I then emptied.

I need to recover a word doc that was saved in one of the files.

There wasn't much activity on the computer after I deleted the files - I just did couple of web searches and had to shut down the machine overnight.

I ran the portable version of Recuva from a USB stick this morning. The first time I asked it to look for word documents in my recycle bin. It came up with nothing. The second time I asked it to look for word docs but didn't specify where. It found a number of documents from one of the files that was located on my desktop but not the other (which is where the file I'm looking for was stored).

I'm now running a deep scan with the same parameters (word docs, no specified location). However it's been at 97% of the first scan with 5 mins left remaining for the last couple of hours. It doesn't appear to be frozen - the status bar is still flashing however it doesn't seem to be making any progress.

I'm not sure if I should wait to see if the scan will complete or give up and start again? I know the file name so could do a scan with that to narrow down search results? I've been using the wizard so far but was wondering if Recuva enables me to specify the file name AND run a deep scan? Would that speed up the process at all?

Also is it likely that recuva will be able to find the file, given that it didn't come up in the first scan, while the contents of the other folder did?