Deep Scan crash

Hi there,

I am trying to run a deep scan on an external ssd that was taken out of a laptop after being formatted. The images and videos of my son's first year with us are on there, and i've been able to recover some of them with deep scanning, but the scan continually crashes around 25-30%. The only way I managed to get some stuff was by cancelling the scan and restoring the report.

Has anyone else had this problem and is there a solution? My wife and I are desperate to get our pictures back and we're worried we wont be able to get further into the drive with these continued crashes.

I dont have an error report as it automatically closes after a few minutes of reporting and I have not caught it since the first time it has crashed. We've attempted about 6 times and each time we've checked on it only to come back and its gone. Scan is running about 1.5 - 2 hours before going down.

Thank you for any help!

How much memory do you have, and how much is being used whilst Recuva runs?

I have 6gb. Will have to check usage next time i can run a scan tonight.