i got a new one. the only thing i changed is the wallpaper. i swear to god i can't find a good one . but anyways, in spite of the holidays, that's the wallpaper i got. enjoy
as always, very highly compressed
i got a new one. the only thing i changed is the wallpaper. i swear to god i can't find a good one . but anyways, in spite of the holidays, that's the wallpaper i got. enjoy
as always, very highly compressed
VS - Suma Blue
Wall - Disco by celsojunior
Icons - Aqua Value & Destroycon + various
One before I change it all for Christmas
Comments welcomed
Nice wallpaper! Where'd you get it? Because...I want! =)
Peace to your nation!
Nice wallpaper! Where'd you get it? Because...I want! =)
Peace to your nation!
You say that you'll resize it if people ask...so can you please resize one to 1280x800.
(and you did that on Photoshop by yourself I'm guessing? Oh, I envy you people)
Thanks man!
That looks sick man!
I love this desktop.
I've started playing with opera a little more. Its ok but I'll probably start using FF again. I just have to figure out how to make it load my homepage instead of a blank page when opening a new tab.
i don't believe it's possible but you could go to Tools > Appearance > Buttons > Browser > Home, drag it in front of New tab > and enjoy having your homepage in a new tab
that's...interesting o_O
that's...interesting o_O
It's not for me ! the kids use it (honest)
You say that you'll resize it if people ask...so can you please resize one to 1280x800.
(and you did that on Photoshop by yourself I'm guessing? Oh, I envy you people)
Thanks man!
eh? i never said no such thing! that wallpaper was not made by me. but if you want a 1280x800 version, you could use an imaging program such as IrfanView(and even Paint) to resize it to your needs. i just tried it and i can't say i was happy with the results. i guess you could also ask the author to make a 1280x800 version.
also, if you want a 1280x960 version, there already is one available at that link.
@incy: didn't realise you had kids
JohnDemolition: Oppps...I thought you were the author. My mistake.
that's a nice desktop mps69
that's a nice desktop mps69
Thanks, I'll try and keep this one until after Christmas, no promises.
So while I wait for the Buuf shell pack, I gave Gant another go..mixed with a little Buuf
Happy holidays!