Over the past two years I've been getting nuisance calls from people claiming to be doing market research.
I've already told them many times I'm not interested and please don't call again but they never listen.
Me and my family are getting pretty sick and tired of it, a) they usually speak broken English, b) some can't even say my name correctly and c) our number is registered with the telephone preference service so they shouldn't be calling anyway.
Well just yesterday I got another phone call and I'm not entirely sure if this was a prank or a scam but it just adds more insults to injury.
This guy tells me they've been receiving many complaints about market research calls and wondered if I would like my number to be removed from the list.
Naturally I said yes, but there's a catch he said he would submit my number to this company that prevents nuisance calls but it requires a monthly subscription.
Like wtf I pay him to stop them calling me huh, what rotten bloody cheek???
I should have replied with "well why don't you pay me instead and I'll promise not to fly over and break your legs", but I'm too polite and said I wasn't interested.
I don't know how these people get away with it the telephone preference service is suppose to stop them from calling but they never do. I'd love to know who these creeps are because frankly they all need prosecuting for harassment.
Unfortunately the numbers are always withheld so I'm not sure if Virgin Media (my phone company) could help, or maybe they can??
Any useful advice like telling the next caller to GFY would be most appreciated.
Richard S.