i have been having trouble with my ccleaner. i can use it once then i get a report when i use it a 2nd time.as the photo attached.i am using a acer aspiree-15 laptop windows 8.1 i am using the newest ccleaner 5.02 please help me asap. thank you. i am not that advanced to use the slim model so i do not want to take a chance of trying it. thank you.
What operating system are you running?
What build of CCleaner?
Did you update to this version (over the top) or was it a clean install?
Have you tried uninstalling CCleaner and then re-installing the slim build from here?
Are all your malware/antivirus scans up to date and clean?
i answered your questions i hope this helps.
if you manually navigate to C:\Program Files\CCleaner, do you see ccleaner64.exe or ccleaner.exe?
beta tester. i have attached a pic of what pops up on my screen when i go to run ccleaner a 2nd time and then the program closes out. i miss my cleaner.
i see the ccleaner64.exe in a pop up as the pic shows.
If the picture you attached says it cannot find CCleaner, why is it already showing CCleaner in your taskbar?
What where?i answered your questions i hope this helps.
Pinned program?If the picture you attached says it cannot find CCleaner, why is it already showing CCleaner in your taskbar?
Nergal it looks like poster is editing his first post each time he answers a question.
It could be a pinned program... perhaps unpin it as a test?
i have no idea why. all i know is i run ccleaner once then when i go o run it a 2nd time that is the pop up i get and ccleaner WILL NOT run again.
I know the answer I think.
Check in your system tray (bottom right of task bar where clock and network are) I will bet that it is set to minimize to system tray
i have downloaded the portable ccleaner and also the slim program to my usb chip. which one is the best o use? i know i may be a pain but i have never had trouble with ccleaner before and have many people about how great the program is.
pcfa did you see what Nergal posted above?
Please also, open your c drive navigate to the program files directory and tell us if the is or isn't a ccleaner folder
I am wondering... Could pcfa199 be a spambot?
If not, his/her English skills are terrible.
I am wondering... Could pcfa199 be a spambot?If not, his/her English skills are terrible.
El pusher, just because a person does not type in a manner or language you are comfortable with, does not give you the rights to insult nor accuse when there is zero evidence toward those facts.
Honestly, many users of Piriform products come from non-english speaking locations, and I've found his/her english to be perfectly legible. Nor is there anything spammy about this thread,
Sooooo any way ....
Agreed. But it seems he/she is ignoring whatever advice was given.
eL_PuSHeR i am no spam bot thanks anyway lol. and yes i read Nergal but i do not understand what it means sorry i am not a pro at pc's but i am trying. thank you.
Which part don't you understand?
Do you know where the system tray is and where to see hidden icons in it? If not read http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/293-notification-area-icons-hide-show-system-icons-notifications.html?filter%5B2%5D=Taskbar%20Start%20Menu
eL_PuSHeR i am no spam bot thanks anyway lol. and yes i read Nergal but i do not understand what it means sorry i am not a pro at pc's but i am trying. thank you.
Please accept an apology.