Hi~Thank you in advance if you're able to help me!
I tried unistalling & reinstalling CCleaner-nothing changed. I have no clue where this comes from. Running Win98 with all current updates (to best of my knowledge);cable (broadband) modem.
This message will not disappear. I did a search for this so-called file~unable to locate it.
Each time I run CCleaner this message pops up and then I click ok. It still takes CCleaner 2 times with message popping up each time, to delete recycle bin. Can you suggest anything to get rid of this message?
I'm not one of the forum experts but I can give you some generic advice that may help answer your question or at least make sure that you do not have a serious issue causing the problem.
I did a Google search for DC382 and there were no useful results but one for DC382 system folder brings up references to spyware. That may not mean anything since it's a very general type of search but a good place to start looking for answers might be to post a HijackThis file.
That will give the experts in the Spyware Hell-HijackThis Log Analysis forum a basic look at your computer and often indicates if there is spyware or other issues on your PC.
You can look at this HijackThis Guide which will give you step by step instructions on how to use HijackThis and how to post a log for them to look at. Depending on what they find they will recommend steps to fix any issues that are found or ask you for more info to fix or explain your specific issue.
Again, welcome to the forum and sorry it took a little while for your question to be answered.
Hi Tony, Thank you too for replying. I tried the ms-dos and after I typed the cd/deltree recycled-it kept saying "too many paramters" (which btw I do not know what that means) so then I tried leaving the 'd' off of recycled-but nothing happened. After I restarted once again-sure enough-that same message is there. Now the message is even on my disk cleanup button on the "c" drive. I followed the instructions, except for "Ewido" as it says it's for Win2000 or XP and I am running Win98-if it's safe to try-I will if you think so. Now I'll go to the other topic and post the logs. Thanks again! I am willing to accept any advice. Pam
Tony is one of the experts I was talking about. He's not on the forum right now but maybe I can help a little with one of your questions.
"Too many parameters" often can mean that the command wasn't typed in properly. They have to be exact for the computer to recognize them. When you type them in some common mistakes can be a space in the wrong place or not typed in, mispellings, etc.
Make sure you type in each command seperately and hit enter after each one.
A pretty common mistake is typing in "/" instead of "\" The "\" is under the Backspace button on my keyboard.
This is what should happen when you type in the commands:
When you type "cd\" you should see only C:\ >_ [the underline will be flashing on and off].
When you type "deltree recycled" you may or may not see anything happen but after a very short time you should again see C:\ >_
I don't have Win98 anymore so I can't remember for sure but if I remember correctly if you type "exit" the computer reboots and if you type "win" it starts Windows without rebooting.
If it still doesn't work or you're not entirely comfortable doing it I'm sure Tony or one of the others will be glad to help some more.
I just noticed Tony is back on the forum so he should be able to help you.
Thank you both so much again....but... I entered exactly as you suggested-same thing still. I even tried it again after that and still the same ole same ole. I searched my pc to death too and googled,etc. can't even find a "DC382" reference. I did check out the link you posted, Tony, so I guess, for today I have to take solace in I am not alone. I just looked and I think I posted my logs to the wrong area. Again, thank you. I'll keep checking back. Take care. Pam
Don't worry, it will get figured out. Computers can be very frustrating sometimes. I don't think that file is causing you any problems other than refusing to go away. Tony or one of the other people will let you know what to do. They have helped me on more occasions than I can even remember.
Maybe the file has attributes that must be removed first.
I have no ideal if this will work or not since you've tried what Tony already suggested.
Open Notepad.
Copy and paste the following text into the empty Notepad window:
attrib /s -r -h -s “C:\Recycled*.*”
del /s “C:\Recycled*.*”
deltree “C:\Recycled*.*”
Now save to a document in C:\ the root directory named (use the quotation marks): "C:\clean.bat"
Restart in MS-DOS mode.
At the C:\> prompt type in C:\clean.bat
Windows will then attempt to remove any attributes of any and all files stored within the Recycle Bin, then it will attempt to delete all contents of the Recycle Bin, and finally Windows will be loaded.
Deltree.exe removes all files and subdirectories subordinate to the directory you are deleting regardless of any attributes.
If followed correctly, this really ought to work...
Alright, and yeah it has to be used correctly as deltree has the potential to really f*** stuff up in MS-DOS mode if typed in incorrectly!
About the only other thing I can think of would be to create a new empty text document, or any new empty document for that matter, then delete it so that it gets sent to the recyle bin, then run the actual Disk Cleanup program included with Win98.
Thank you Andavari, Mike and Tony once again. Andavari~I followed your directions exactly as to the clean.bat 2 separate times and sure enough. The file still appears. I still appreciate your help.
Tony~Please excuse my ignorance but on your last post about the autoexec.bat-when I opened it-this is what it says:
rem *** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! ***
rem This file was created by the System Configuration Utility as
rem a placeholder for your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Your actual
rem AUTOEXEC.BAT file has been saved under the name AUTOEXEC.TSH.
My question is-do I add the @Echo Off,etc. before the 'echo off' listed above or do I go to that file mentioned autoexec.tsh? I just want to be sure I do this correctly.
I'm not sure if the new info I learned will help either-but here goes. I have "RegSeeker" and I decided to do a search of files for "DC382" and sure enough it DID come up as C:\Recycled\DC382. The next line says "size: ob Attr: d - Date 5/09/2006 Time: 11:11:12
Then I tried to delete it & this came up "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in My Computer by clicking View and then clicking Folder Options." I do not understand what that is telling me to do.
I have a drive-"D" which I've never used as it's NT and I am clueless. This is a refurbished Win95 & NT business Dell that came preloaded with Win98 I've had for 4 years. Is it possible that the "D" is talking about the "D" drive (NT) as when I try to open D in "My Computer" it says "recycle bin" only as to contents.
Again I thank all of you for your fantastic assistance, as well as patience with me.
Tony~Please excuse my ignorance but on your last post about the autoexec.bat-when I opened it-this is what it says:
rem *** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! ***
rem This file was created by the System Configuration Utility as
rem a placeholder for your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Your actual
rem AUTOEXEC.BAT file has been saved under the name AUTOEXEC.TSH.
What has happened is that the Autoexec.bat has been unchecked in Msconfig in order to prevent it from launching at boot, probably while someone was trying to troubleshoot a startup problem.
When you uncheck Autoexec.bat in MSCONFIG, Autoexec.bat is renamed to Autoexec.tsh, and a *new* Autoexec.bat is created containing nothing but comments that explain about Autoexec.tsh being the backup. As you found out there *is* still an Autoexec.bat, but it's toothless.
Before we attempt to reverse it, why not try Andavari's suggestion first? As for line 3 I think it would be best to actually pasteC:\Recycled\DC382 in the 'full path of file to delete' box, as I'm not sure you'll find it by browsing.
Thank you again Andavari & Tony! I used HijackThis and when my pc rebooted~up popped the sign-on window that had been gone for a couple of years (log-on thingy w/ pass) so I restarted again-that was gone-but that darn file is still there. I tried doing it a second time and Hijack doesn't seem to want to accept the file again. If you can think of anything else for me to try-please let me know. I'm trying not to be discouraged,but this file is insane. Thank you both again. Pam
I saw this in this thread and it's worth a try to see if it removes the DC382 file.
Download the killbox program from here. It will be a zipped file. After it dowmloads unzip the file. I can't remember if Win98 unzips files automatically or not. Double click on the Killbox file and hopefully it will take you to a screen where it says Extract All Files. Click on that and then click Next and then click Next again. Then click Finish. Now double click on the Killbox.exe file that was created [not killbox.zip]. It should have a red circle with a white X inside it. The following screen should come up. You can click the thumbnail to make the image larger.
Type in or copy the path to the DC382 file into the white box. It should be C:\Recycled\DC382. Then click on the red symbol to the right of the box. The file should be deleted.
If not type the info into the white box again if it's not still there. Then check the box for "Delete on Reboot."
Restart the computer and it should be gone.
Let me know if you have any questions or if you weren't able to unzip the killbox.zip file.