Thanks for still helping out when you have the time.
I am sure that sometimes you make the time.
Your experience is valuable to us all.
So to respond....
College is good. Fun, interesting, not too hard yet. I just got picked to be the Freshman IT representative, and with that comes various responsibilities. I don't know if I'm a part of the Student Government/Leadership on campus, but I do help out at IT days and what not. I'll let you know what my duties evolve to be.
Thanks for the complements. I've been hanging out at and their forums. Learning a lot. You all should join their Folding@Home team, cause they're ranked about 5th in the world.
Thanks for the complements. I've been hanging out at and their forums. Learning a lot. You all should join their Folding@Home team, cause they're ranked about 5th in the world.
Any questions for me? Post them here.
Hi AJ,
Just found your Post this evening.
It is very comforting to know the wonderful things that you and your peers are achieving in the brief time that you have been at college.
Thank you for your update. As you know, we all appreciate the contributions made our young members on this forum also.
I checked out the Folding@Home article at Wikipedia. I was re-reading the "Purpose" section when I had quite an "emotional realization" of how this work affects all our lives and the one's we love. It sure is amazing and reassuring to realize that mankind has reached the point where all those involved, from every part of the world, can come together and take part in the research and benefits of such a project. I can't think of anyone that I know that is not somehow affected by these diseases.
We have come a long way and so have our children.
I will be joining such a project. I promise.
I will be able to let my family and friends know that I am doing valuable, medical research for Stanford University. Pretty impressive, huh ?
We are not surprised that you have been chosen to be Freshman IT representative. You are capable of handling the various responsibilities.
Hugs to you and your parents,
P.S. For a still-growing man like you, a "cache" of "Peanut Butter and Jelly" is always required.