Damn Gremlins

i am so lost with this!

i am so lost with this!

Why are YOU lost?!? You're the one that started the whole gremlin theme. It almost took off like the monkeys. :lol:

Why are YOU lost?!? You're the one that started the whole gremlin theme. It almost took off like the monkeys. :lol:

Well, lets hope it doesn't get THAT bad!

Inside jokes FTW!

monkeys are bad

Monkey's that have totally given up on climbing trees and instead prefer to stay inside to drink beer and watch t.v. and even switch channels with the remote are worse!

Monkey's that have totally given up on climbing trees and instead prefer to stay inside to drink beer and watch t.v. and even switch channels with the remote are worse!

:lol: Sounds a bit similar to your profile Andavari.

monkeys are bad

Don't lie MP. :o You are a monkey! Unless the girls are lying.

:lol: Sounds a bit similar to your profile Andavari.

Nope I don't consume any alcohol. I also very rarely watch t.v. there's way too many commercials, I need a TiVo. Speaking of t.v. gotta go watch the Formula 1 race my DVD recorder is about to finish recording. Sayonara for now.

i had a friend attacked by a monkey when i was a kid.

i had a friend attacked by a monkey when i was a kid.

Holy crapola. How? At a zoo.....or at LS? :lol:

No, a neighbour had one in a cage, and it got loose and ended up attacking my friend.

Funny site watching police run around with bananas and blankets trying to catch the little furball.

i had a friend attacked by a monkey when i was a kid.

It's that old motto "if it has teeth it will bite."

No, a neighbour had one in a cage, and it got loose and ended up attacking my friend.

Kinda strange to have a monkey for a pet. Unless it was MP, of course. ;)

Funny site watching police run around with bananas and blankets trying to catch the little furball.

:lol: I can imagine.

hey Krit..i found your gremlin.


Freak Show!!!! :lol:

Just wait MP. I'll get you. ;)

Is this what you forum sluts talk about now.... gremlins.

Is this what you forum sluts talk about now.... gremlins.

*Removed by krit*

Is this what you forum sluts talk about now.... gremlins.

HE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good to abuse see you again kk56!