Every few months I'll do a scan with my NOD32 and everything was fine like it always is, however, it did state that an Open Office file is damaged. What the heck does that mean? The few times I use it, every thing seems normal. Thank You!
"Archive damaged" usually indicates that Nod32 is unable to open the file, I believe.
What is the exact name and location of that file?
C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 2.0\program\python-core-2.3.4\lib\test\testtar.tar>>TAR>>0-REGTYPE-archive damaged
I'd say you are correct, thank you! Tony
You're welcome. Nothing to lose sleep over by the looks of it.
Nod32 tends to freak out whenever it reaches a file it can't open (including some system files.) It puts them up in big, bold, colored letters that can be frightening, but, as TonyKlein said, nothing to lose sleep over