CWShredder 2.18 released

CWShredder 2.18 download (520 kb):

Known Issues:

CWShredder.exe is intended to run on Windows 2000/XP/2003 Operating systems only. Windows ME/9x/NT4 operating system may not have the appropriate system libraries to run the application.

To lazy to type all the info in that it finds, so here's a screenshot.:


I ran it, system clean... Still have an update problem, even on that product, gotta get my PC fixed.

Had just checked my system with version 2.16, downloaded new version, says it has found CWS. Qttasks but no options to remove it.

Any advice please?

Found QTTasks on mine also. No problem removing it.

Found QTTasks on mine also. No problem removing it.

What did you have to do? I was given no options, the fix button is greyed out. Cannot get on the site which it takes me to when I click on the infection.

You did hit fix first, not scan only? If you hit fix, then it'll scan and get rid of problems... If you scan only it does what it says...

Still have an update problem, even on that product

Starting with v2.16 the integrated update feature no longer was able to check for updates anymore, at least in my case it has failed each time. Neither of their websites this one and this one have been updated for months to reflect that there's a newer version other than v2.15 available, hence the reason I listed the URL for downloading.


Just put my feet in my mouth. Now v2.18 can check for updates again.

You did hit fix first, not scan only? If you hit fix, then it'll scan and get rid of problems... If you scan only it does what it says...

Worked that out now!! Thanks for the reply. All clean now

Starting with v2.16 the integrated update feature no longer was able to check for updates anymore, at least in my case it has failed each time. Neither of their websites this one and this one have been updated for months to reflect that there's a newer version other than v2.15 available, hence the reason I listed the URL for downloading.


Just put my feet in my mouth. Now v2.18 can check for updates again.

No worries, its just a problem on my PC, which should be fixed soon.

Another download location, this one is zipped and includes the WhatsNew.txt document.

For those who downloaded the standalone .exe only here's the official WhatsNew.txt document:

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------                           Trend  Micro CWShredder                       (CoolWebSearch Trojan Remover)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version: 2.18-1006Release: Official ReleaseNotes:  October 18, 2005, 13:00:00 (GMT +08:00)Release Note for Trend Micro? CWShredder1.0 IntroductionTrend Micro? CWShredder v2.18, is a CoolWebSearch trojan removerreleased for Windows related platforms. New CoolWebSearch Variants Detected:There are [5] new variants supported in this version. The new variants include:   1. CWS.SnugWeb   2. CWS.CoolSearchA   3. CWS.EZSearch   4. CWS.CraftSearch   5. CWS.FindOnlineNew Features:  Now Supports NT4 / Win2003NOTE: Refer to for more information about these trojan variants.2.0 Release Package ContentsTrend Micro? CWShredder release components are as follows:cwshredder.exe (4a173815a281869fe1aecc81153af84c)3.0 Known Issues   3.1 "Move CWS file found to Recycle bin instead of Deleting" checkbox option is currently disabled on        the following Windows platform:       1.) Windows ME       2.) Windows 98SE4.0 Tested on the following platforms:   1.) Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1   2.) Windows XP Professional SP2/SP1   3.) Windows 2000 Server SP4   4.) Windows 2000 Professional SP4   5.) Windows NT4 Workstation SP6a    6.) Windows ME   7.) Windows 98SE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------        Copyright 2005 - Trend Micro, Inc. All rights reserved.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Cool? No it isn't.

It is so sloppy that it detects as a hijack when you've put it in your host file to prevent becoming infected.


Cool? No it isn't.

It is so sloppy that it detects as a hijack when you've put it in your host file to prevent becoming infected.

Since you know it's a false positive you can ignore it. All malware scanning software is subject to causing false positives!

thanks for info

I think its fine....

Trend Micro CWShredder 2.19 released

Download the standalone .exe (520 kb) from, or, or use the integrated update manager built into CWShredder to download the zip package (242 kb) from Trend Micro.

None of the downloads included any documentation!

Strangely enough this new version is the same size as the old one byte for byte.


Added an additional download site.

Thank you for the info Andavari.