Custom Cleaning of Files

I subscribe to Rhapsody and they recommend removing a temp file called radfile.rcf frequntly to get rid of junk that is accumulated by the main program. It is in the folder

C:\Program Files\Rhapsody\radfile.rcf on my machine. I added this path to the Custom box on CCleaner v 1.24.180 but it won't remove the file.

What am I doing wrong? <_<

Thank you

Have you ticked the box "Custom Files and Folders" in cleaner, windows, advanced(at the bottom)?

Have you ticked the box "Custom Files and Folders" in cleaner, windows, advanced(at the bottom)?

Thank you--that was the problem. I succeeded in adding the file and cleaning it.

No problem

I think after adding a custom cleaning that it should either automatically tick the box, or display a prompt that it has to be enabled since many people have been baffled by their custom cleaning not being performed. I guess what I just wrote should've actually been posted in the suggestions thread.