First, I want to give you my appreciation of your hard work on a great app. I've been using it for a while now and have been very happily defragging away on my various systems...
Second, I want to state that I have not been able to reproduce this 'bug' again since it happened and thus, I have no hard evidence of it. But I thought I would just tell you guys what happened just in case you run into something similar in the future...
This...'strange behavior'... occurred on my HP zd8000 laptop (Pentium4, 512mb RAM, ATI Radeon x600m, Seagate 60gb Hard Drive), running WindowsXP/SP3 (x86) and Defraggler v. 1.21.209. I had just brought the system out of 'Sleep Mode' and hooked up an external USB hard drive, a brand new Western Digital Caviar Green 2tb (WD20EARS). I then ran Defraggler to defrag my internal Seagate hard drive, since it had been a while since it had been done. This drive has two partitions, drives C: and D:, with 36.0gb and 19.9gb respectively. It also showed the other two partitions on the external USB Western Digital hard drive, drives G: and H:, with 931.5gb on both. WindowsXP was installed on the C:\ drive with it's 2048mb pagefile.
(Being a long time system builder, serious tweaker and overclocker and hardcore gamer, I tend to be extremely thorough in my technical explanations, which I've learned over the years is a must to track down any system instability or issue.)
Before starting the defrag, I went into Windows Explorer and changed the drive names for C: and D: (They were both labled 'Local Disk' before changing). There was no real reason behind the renaming. I just noticed at that moment that they didn't have an actual name and decided to change it. I did not shut down Defraggler when I did this. While Explorer refreshed and showed the name change, Defraggler did not. I hit 'Analyze' for the C: drive thinking it would change when analyzing the disk. The analysis never finished. In fact, it took quite a while for it to get to close to 70% (when I say a while, I mean about a minute and a half, compared to it's usual speedy 20 seconds or so) and before it reached 70%, the whole Defraggler window disappeared, as if I had closed it right then. I was now starring at my desktop. It wasn't on my taskbar either. I brought up the 'Task Manager' to see if it was still running and it did, indeed, show it as a running program but it never reappeared and I had to 'End Process' to get it to close. After doing so, I tried to re-run it and after clicking the icon, the windows hourglass would show for a split-second and then nothing. It would not show in the 'Task Manager' list either. The only thing that brought it back to normal was a reboot of the system, which I did right after this happened. When I got back to my desktop after the reboot, I ran Defraggler and it came up like normal, showing the new drive names. It then worked just like it should.
I have tried to replicate the situation a few times before coming in here, trying to get as much information for you as I could, but even after putting it into 'Sleep Mode' and then changing the drive names again, it would not crash like before. If the names were changed when it was running, it would 'Analyze' with the old names until I restarted Defraggler. It would then show the new names.
I wish I could show some screen shots or get some debug info for you, but it didn't occur to me to do that when it happened. My apologies. I hope with this detailed description of what happened, maybe it will be enough if the problem happens to come up again with anyone else. If you have any other questions or need some more info about something in particular, please don't hesitate to ask me. I'm more than willing to help improve this great program! Thank you for your time and effort!