Crystal Xp

hey i have been tring to get the crystal xp teme for a whiele from

The only problem is every time i try downloading it i get a wierd error.

I was hoping some one could download it then send it to me in a instant message or some other way.

If you can just pm and i will give you my screen name.


Make sure you aren't using a download manager e.g.; Getright, etc., and also make sure you have enabled in your browser Cookies, JavaScript, and Referrer. If it keeps failing to download in one browser try another one, e.g.; Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.



thanks i changed some of my setting and was able to get it :)

are there any others like this that change as much as this one does

thanks i changed some of my setting and was able to get it :)


Do you remember what settings you changed? I keep getting the server not found error and page can't be found errors on both and rapidshare.


never mind...

Thanks Nod32 the download site you recommended worked.