
I stupidly did a download and install of Xvid from a questionable web site.

After my brain cramp subsided I uninstalled the program and decided to clean the registry up with CCleaner.

CCleaner wouldn't open. A flash and it was gone.

Tried to do a system restore (Windows 7 64bit) and got the same result, a flash and it was gone.

After much messing around I found a program called Crystal.exe in the startup. (MSconfig)

I unchecked the box so it wouldn't start up and rebooted.

CCleaner and system restore now work ok.

I've done system scans with Microsoft Security Essentials, Threatfire, Malwarebytes, and IOBit Malware fighter.

Everything says the system is clean.

Anyone got any ideas?

Some info for youand this.


The webroot software not only identified it as a threat and removed it, it also found another one that the other programs missed. NVWIZ.exe

I would guess that means nVidea Wizard (like in a migration wizard.)

I would guess that means nVidea Wizard (like in a migration wizard.)

Right. It seemed kind of strange as I've never had any Nvida products in this computer.

Webroot said it was bad news so it's gone now anyway.

There are a few websites that have it listed as spyware.

Get anything you can from . They're a Piriform approved site. I've used it for many years. Clean stuff. But the best bet is to see what the folks at Piriform say about all apps available there. For example, I don't install Java anymore. I thought it was as necessary as Flash. Not so much, apparently. Adobe bloat uses Java. And I hate bloatware. Nothing sinks faster in water than a bloat.

Get anything you can from . They're a Piriform approved site. I've used it for many years. Clean stuff. But the best bet is to see what the folks at Piriform say about all apps available there. For example, I don't install Java anymore. I thought it was as necessary as Flash. Not so much, apparently. Adobe bloat uses Java. And I hate bloatware. Nothing sinks faster in water than a bloat.

Thanks for the tips. Much appreciated.

The webroot software not only identified it as a threat and removed it, it also found another one that the other programs missed. NVWIZ.exe

Did you at least try this first as it can reveal allot more malware that could still be on your system:


Did you at least try this first as it can reveal allot more malware that could still be on your system:


I downloaded and tried a scan with Malwarebytes anti malware but it didn't detect any problems.

I hadn't seen that post you linked to so wasn't aware of step two. Guess I should have looked a bit harder.

It's getting a bit late here now so I'll give it a try tomorrow just to be sure my system is clean but I think webroot found the problem as everything seems to be running good now.

Thanks again for you help and advice.

It's much appreciated.