Critical Error

I installed CCleaner to a computer running WIN XP SP2 and all was well. Do not have as many specs as you might like to know, but computer belongs to UK family member and not available.

Three weeks after installing CCleaner I uninstalled on request. Upon the next use I am told the computer had a critical error that read, "Due to an American hardware/software problem your computer has a critical error." This is an unusual message in my experience ("American").

An IT person was called in and stated, "CCleaner scrambled you hard drive." My first response in that this is impossible. Second, it is not designed to do this. Third, it was uninstalled. Fourth, CCleaner is not "American." I can go on, but you get the point.

CCleaner could potentially delete a system file. Is it possible to delete ALL data and "scramble" a hard drive?

I suspect a lazy-ass IT guy formatted the machine, without backing up data, and said the above to cover his tracks. Blame someone else, blame the software, hide that you are an idiot.

Any comment appreciated. I have CCleaner on 5 different machine without incident in over 2 years, but want to know if the could be a concern for any reason.

It sounds entirely bogus to me. To add to your list, what made the IT person say that CC scrambled the hard drive? Wouldn't the evidence be unobtainable?

I think that it's silly to say that CC did this, or any application. CC uses standard Windows file access methods, and I doubt if there's a 'delete all, scramble drive' command.

Ask the IT person how CC did this, I'm sure Piriform wold be interested to know.

I doubt if there's a 'delete all, scramble drive' command
I believe there is some malware that tries to do this.

The trouble with arguing with an idiot is that an impartial observer watching what is going on can't tell the difference between the parties.

I have installed CCleaner on all of the systems I have worked on and never had a case of "scrambled drive"!

It sounds entirely bogus to me. To add to your list, what made the IT person say that CC scrambled the hard drive? Wouldn't the evidence be unobtainable?

I think that it's silly to say that CC did this, or any application. CC uses standard Windows file access methods, and I doubt if there's a 'delete all, scramble drive' command.

Ask the IT person how CC did this, I'm sure Piriform wold be interested to know.

I am trying to get the contact info for the IT person in Horley, Surrey that accused CC of causing a problem. Who at Piriform can I send it to? My cousin thinks I installed "dodgy" software because of him.

Just post the info here. The Piriform developers do drop in from time to time, but my money is on there being no 'evidence'.