I am trying to use CCleaner on my very old computer using Windows7 Home Premium. It consistently crashes.
Any ideas or help? Thanks
I am trying to use CCleaner on my very old computer using Windows7 Home Premium. It consistently crashes.
Any ideas or help? Thanks
Which version of CCleaner?
Crashes when, when you're trying to install, or trying to open an already installed CCleaner?
If it crashes during install you can get the newest Slim build at:
I am using the newest version of cleaner (the free version0, downloaded just last week. The program crashes midway during the cleaning. When it is about 50% through,
What does the progress bar say the cleaning state is when it crashes?
What is your AV software?
Does it still crash when the PC is booted in Safe Mode?
Have you any custom INCLUDE's, or do you use winapp2.ini or any other enhancements above and beyond the normal CC default settings?
It says "The system has caused the program to crash....MS will not look for solution
I am using the software that came with the program
I have not booted it in safe mode so I don't know
There are no "Includes"
Thanks Again
Do you have an anti-virus installed on your machine?
If yes, what is it called?
Do you know how to put your PC into Safe Mode?
Running CC from Safe Mode and having it work or still crash may help the forum members help you.
And, right before it crashes, along the top will be a green progress bar, under that, a spinning wheel, to the right of that it tells you the area currently being cleaned; browser, temporary files, custom files and so forth, if you watch that and tell us the last area it was doing right before the crash, that could also help us help you.
Much more useful to run a debug (see sticky at top of bug reporting board for instructions); the area currently cleaned will often show the item cleaned before the crash as opposed to the one causing the crash.And, right before it crashes, along the top will be a green progress bar, under that, a spinning wheel, to the right of that it tells you the area currently being cleaned; browser, temporary files, custom files and so forth, if you watch that and tell us the last area it was doing right before the crash, that could also help us help you.
yep. using the /DEBUG switch is also an excellent idea.