Crap Cleaner Shuts System Down

Crap Cleaner shuts my system down when launching.

New install of Cleaner and New install of Windows XP.

Two seconds after I launch CC, my system shuts down INSTANTLY like a hard reset.

Older versions don't do this, so I am currently using 5.02 with no probs.

Do you have XP servicepack2 or sp3

I also have the same issue. Two different desktop PCs, each running Windows XP SP3.

If anyone is using WinXP SP2, see this fix:

If it has started to cause the shutdown issue in WinXP SP3 that's a new one.

Here's how to verify that you're actually using SP3:

1. Click Start > Run.

2. Type in winver and click OK.

3. A dialog will open showing the installed Windows version and the service pack level.

Thanks, Andavari. I gave it a shot even though I'm using SP3. Received an error message informing me that the update/hotfix was not needed. I had used install media to reinstall Windows XP that I modified with nLite. Perhaps I borked something. Will try reinstalling from the original CD and see what happens. Perhaps the original poster did the same?

nLite shouldn't cause those issues slipstreaming in the SP3 updates. It may be much less time consuming to try launching CCleaner in Safe Mode and see if it works.

Or uninstall CCleaner, restart Windows, then download CCleaner again and install it.

I'm having the same issues.

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling - didn't help