CPU section - small change request


Speccy looks great, another slick Piriform util.

However I would like to see the actual processor speed displayed on the Summary page.

As for example on my processor Intel decided it would be great to put the processor speed in the product name string... DOH!

so the product name string is: "Intel Pentium E5200 @ 2.50GHz"

so of course this is deceptive since I'm running the chip at 3.3Ghz

So it would be nice if the summary could elaborate as RAM section does and show the actual chip speed... I see the detail page for CPUs does show the actual current speed.

Also one other thing I noticed on OCCT was the "percentage overclock" which is a nice touch... so if you're running the system bus at 275 instead of 200MHz it would show % overclock of: 37.5%

But otherwise looks nice... I think in future you could have a comparison, where you load a snapshot and compare it to the current snapshot... could be fun.

Yeah the @ makes it deceptive thinking thats what the processor is running at, i agree that it would be better if after @ it was realtime, stock speed in main CPU info.

That string is pulled straight from the CPU I believe. Plus it's good to know what the chips stock speed is anyway.

Having actual CPU, bus etc readings would be good though.