CPU i5-4570 Hyperthreading support wrong reported


At least in my system, a ProDesk Hewlett-Packard 600 with a i5-4570, hyperthreading support is reported by speccy as "Supported, Disabled". This is wrong because i5-4570 doesn't support hyperthreading. Just check this link:


It seems that in i5-4570 processors only is supported hyperthreading in i5-4570T and i5-4570TE, while the others (i5-4570,i5-4570R and i5-4570S) can't support it.


I have the same CPU and just checked it in Speecy. It also shows up as "Supported, Disabled".

I am running Win8.1 (64bit) with an AsRock Z87 Extreme 3 Motherboard and a GTX 760.