cpu dll init failed....
please check following log file.
[2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] Creating tray icon. [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] CPU SDK at: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp speccycpuid.dll [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] CSystemInfo::GetVersionInfo [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] osvi.szCSDVersion = Service Pack 3 [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] osvi.wServicePackMajor = 3 [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] osvi.wServicePackMinor = 0 [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [ERROR] SetProcessName error 122 [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [ERROR] SetProcessName error 122 [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] Caption=Microsoft Windows XP Professional [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] Model=MS Windows XP [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] Edition=Professional [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] Architecture= 32-bit [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] Service Pack=SP3 [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] Full platform name=MS Windows XP Professional 32-bit SP3 [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] Chassis type 2 [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] SPDRP_DEVICEDESC=Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] Peripheral name=Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard, vendor= [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] TryGetSelectedDriverAndFill START [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] GetSelectedDriver ret false [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] TrySelectDriverAndFill START [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] OpenRegKey [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] InfPath from registry keyboard.inf [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] ProviderName from registry Microsoft [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] DriverVersion from registry 5.1.2600.5512 [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] SetDeviceInstallParams [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] DiBuildDriverInfoList Succeed=1 [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] GetProperty SPDRP_MFG = (Standard keyboards) [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] GetProperty SPDRP_DEVICEDESC = Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] SetSelectedDriver [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] TryFillDriversFromDrvinfo START [2013-06-02 08:00:28] [iNFO ] WifiInfo::Fill [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 0 [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] QueueCallback START [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] TryAddFile C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\i8042prt.sys [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] QueueCallback START [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] TryAddFile C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\kbdclass.sys [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] TryFillDriversFromDrvinfo END [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] SPDRP_DEVICEDESC=Microsoft PS/2 Mouse [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] Peripheral name=Microsoft PS/2 Mouse, vendor= [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] TryGetSelectedDriverAndFill START [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] GetSelectedDriver ret false [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] TrySelectDriverAndFill START [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] OpenRegKey [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] InfPath from registry msmouse.inf [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] ProviderName from registry Microsoft [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] DriverVersion from registry 5.1.2600.0 [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] SetDeviceInstallParams [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] DiBuildDriverInfoList Succeed=1 [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] GetProperty SPDRP_MFG = Microsoft [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] GetProperty SPDRP_DEVICEDESC = Microsoft PS/2 Mouse [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] SetSelectedDriver [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] TryFillDriversFromDrvinfo START [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] QueueCallback START [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] TryAddFile C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\i8042prt.sys [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] QueueCallback START [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] TryAddFile C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\mouclass.sys [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] TryFillDriversFromDrvinfo END [2013-06-02 08:00:29] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 1 [2013-06-02 08:00:30] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 2 [2013-06-02 08:00:30] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 3 [2013-06-02 08:00:31] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 4 [2013-06-02 08:00:31] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed [2013-06-02 08:00:37] [ERROR] Cannot initialize SPC dll CpuIdSdkWrapper.cpp(108) [2013-06-02 08:00:37] [ERROR] Exception catched in file Core\NewTreeRootWorker.cpp, function NewTreeRoot::Worker::FillGraphics, line 303 [2013-06-02 08:00:37] [iNFO ] CPU SDK at: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp speccycpuid.dll [2013-06-02 08:00:37] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 0 [2013-06-02 08:00:37] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 1 [2013-06-02 08:00:38] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 2 [2013-06-02 08:00:38] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 3 [2013-06-02 08:00:38] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 4 [2013-06-02 08:00:38] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed [2013-06-02 08:00:38] [ERROR] Cannot initialize SPC dll CpuIdSdkWrapper.cpp(108) [2013-06-02 08:00:38] [ERROR] Exception catched in file Core\NewTreeRootWorker.cpp, function NewTreeRoot::Worker::FillCpuSdkData, line 144 [2013-06-02 08:00:38] [iNFO ] CPU SDK at: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp speccycpuid.dll [2013-06-02 08:00:38] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 0 [2013-06-02 08:00:39] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 1 [2013-06-02 08:00:39] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 2 [2013-06-02 08:00:39] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 3 [2013-06-02 08:00:40] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 4 [2013-06-02 08:00:40] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed [2013-06-02 08:00:40] [ERROR] Cannot initialize SPC dll CpuIdSdkWrapper.cpp(108) [2013-06-02 08:00:40] [ERROR] Exception catched in file Core\NewTreeRootWorker.cpp, function NewTreeRoot::Worker::FillHd, line 281 [2013-06-02 08:00:40] [iNFO ] CPU SDK at: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp speccycpuid.dll [2013-06-02 08:00:40] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 0 [2013-06-02 08:00:40] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 1 [2013-06-02 08:00:40] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 2 [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 3 [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed 4 [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] CPU dll init failed [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] (AutoUpdate) GetAutoUpdateStatus [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] Getting values from GetAutoUpdateFromRegistry [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] (AutoUpdate) Values obtained [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] (AutoUpdate) disable=1 [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] (AutoUpdate) auOption=1 [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] (AutoUpdate) scheduleDay=0 [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] (AutoUpdate) scheduleInstall=0 [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] (AV) CheckAntivirusInSystem F-Secure [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] (AV) Service FSMA is not running [2013-06-02 08:00:41] [iNFO ] (AV) CheckAntivirusInSystem G Data Antivirus Business