I'm not mother language so, be patience. (I'm Italian)
First of all, I love CCleaner and I'm using it since ages,I love it.
That said, I think you can include a couple of useful features in the future version 4.
1) Multi-threaded menu
I want the possibility to clean my PC while scanning the registry. I general I want to be able to do more stuff at the same time.
2) Complete uninstall
I know that CCleaner allows you to uninstall programs, but it only execute the default uninstaller of the program. some times the uninstaller doesn't clean all the changes that the installation has made such as registry keys or files/folders.
What I want is the possibility to install a program through CCleaner, it does a "snapshot" of the main folders of the system and of the registry BEFORE and AFTER the installation of a program and memorize on an internal database all the changes that the installation has made. Then, when I uninstall it via CCleaner, it calls the default uninstaller and than checks the database to see if there is something else to delete.
edit: I just realized that I want two more features
3) I want to be able to change the preferences of every single service directly in CCleaner. Every service should have his description and, hopefully, an indication if I should change his setting.
4) I want to be able to export all the settings of the program in a file (XML?) and, after a format or a new installation import them back.
Hope you'll find them useful and add it the the future v4 of the program, Fabio.