It has been said that under Vista/7 that when you defrag the drive, it may cause it to rack up on used disk space due to disk operations in effect such as System Restore.
I read with great interest about this:
In the meantime you can use a Batch script to turn it on/off at will - and the super cool thing of doing it that way is it doesn't delete any restore points -- well this works in WinXP Pro as the Admin, I don't know how it would work in Vista or 7:
net stop "System Restore Service"
net start "System Restore Service"
If this is so, it doesn't delete restore points, might this solve the problem of people talking about free disk space disappearing while running Defraggler?
Can you add a script to stop the restore service before Defraggler runs, then re-enable it again on close?
This would solve all those problems & help retain the integrity of Defraggler, along with fixing all those replies you get from people who don't know why it does that, wouldn't it? Seems like a simple, elegant solution to a long standing problem. Easy fix, simple fix!