Could speccy unpartition my C drive?

My computer was running fine.

I ran the beta version of Speccy beta 108 portable. The program seemed to be running slowly. I would complete getting info on my system. I think the only thing missing was my harddrive info. So I pressed control-alt-del and nothing happened. I clicked around a little but the computer was locked up. I left the room for a couple of minutes and came back to "Verifying DMI Pool Data..." message on a black and white boot screen.

I checked the boot order in my bios, and tried restarting several times.

I put in a windows xp sp3 cd intending to do a repair. BUT it shows my entire c drive as "Unpartitioned space". My other drives all appear correctly. But not the C drive.

Any ideas?

DFI LP NF3250GB motherboard

74 gb raptor boot drive

Try unplugging your computer completely from any power source (e.g. wall socket) Then hold the power button in for 30 seconds as though you were trying to turn the computer on.

Then plug the computer back into the wall socket and turn it on. Does it work now?

I had to do this each time after running a speccy build which would never complete. Also had to do a hard shutdown.

The cause for me was a build up of static electricity inside the tower while speccy was trying and failing to analyze.

The static discharge routine made everything work okay again otherwise I got stuck at the post test on booting (the black screen with the white writing)

Try unplugging your computer completely from any power source (e.g. wall socket) Then hold the power button in for 30 seconds as though you were trying to turn the computer on.

Then plug the computer back into the wall socket and turn it on. Does it work now?

I had to do this each time after running a speccy build which would never complete. Also had to do a hard shutdown.

The cause for me was a build up of static electricity inside the tower while speccy was trying and failing to analyze.

The static discharge routine made everything work okay again otherwise I got stuck at the post test on booting (the black screen with the white writing)

Now that's spooky, sounds like me trying to recover a clients data from a HD that simply stopped working once the HD had been running for 25 minutes +.

Take the HD place it in a freezer bag and seal. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes, remove from the freezer and the bag, connect to my USB to IDE powered kit, and "magic" the HD fired up, start transferring my clients data. Naturally after 25 minutes or so, the HD stops, then one repeats the process, until the data is all captured. Why does this work? simple, cooling simply shrinks everything including the platters, now back towards original tolerance. Now unbelievable as the above sounds, IT DOES WORK and has done for me many times.

So hazelnut I shall remember this tip of yours. :blink: