Could I lose AVG Antivirus and Antispyware updates?

I am concerned I might lose the AVG Antivirus and Anti-Spyware updates if leave these items checked in the" Utilities" section of Cleaner Settings. I also have Ad-Aware SE Personal and SpyBot Search and Destroy under "Utilities" and have also left them unchecked until I receive some guidance.

Thank you in advace to all who respond.

I have AVG antispyware, and spybot and other thing checked in utilities and have no problem receiving updates.

Welcome to the forum!

Its only removing the log files that are created by those programs. It doesn't delete the virus signatures you have downloaded.

I have AVG antispyware, and spybot and other thing checked in utilities and have no problem receiving updates.

Welcome to the forum!

Thanks for your greeting and your feedback. I shall now place a check mark in all the utilities I have.

Its only removing the log files that are created by those programs. It doesn't delete the virus signatures you have downloaded.

Also thanks to rridgely. After reading some of the horror stories on this site before posting, it is most reassuring to get such timely and useful responses.

Well the horror stories have been solved and its not a ccleaner issue. You can see the cause of that here:;f=4&id=18

Its usually caused by using another registry cleaner that fouls up your environment variables. As long as you don't have that problem ccleaner should be perfectly safe in all instances.

Its usually caused by using another registry cleaner that fouls up your environment variables.

Is that what causes it then?