Cool program for artists

I was browsing through snapfiles when I came across a cool little program called artrage. I tried it but I'm no artist (my creations were pitiful :lol: ). Its cool and fun, so try it. :)

ArtRage is a unique painting software, that lets you draw on virtual canvas, using virtual drawing tools and produce a realistic (digital) painting. It provides several drawing tools, including chalk, crayon, felt pen, pencil and oil paint, as well as a virtual palette knife and different canvas style to choose from. It even comes with a virtual water glass to dip your paint brush... and can load an image of your choice to use it as virtual tracing paper for your painting. The interface is nicely designed and provides maximum work space while keeping all tools and option easily accessible. You can use ArtRage with a mouse, but it works particularly well if you have a graphics tablet, or even a TabletPC. The paintings can be saved or exported to JPG, BMP, PNG format.

The GIMP since ArtRage doesnt work

What do you mean it dosent work?

*for Linux

Who uses Linux? :rolleyes:

Anyway this isnt the same thing as the gimp. This is supposed to be more like real drawing or painting. Also its not as complicated or as big of a pain to install.

every professional hosting company and about 5 million people do(maybe more).

and the GIMP comes pre-installed with most linux distros

rridgley, I have downloaded this program and I agree with you. Its fun to use and let's face it, computing should be fun as well!! :)

GIMP is not strictly Linux, it is exists a port for Microsoft Windows too.

No one ever said it was just for windows. Eldmanned did you read the whole topic?

GIMP is not strictly Linux, it is exists a port for Microsoft Windows too.

of course it isnt linux. i said it comes pre-installed with Linux distros. that means that when you install Linux, then you dont have to dl it so you can use it.

and i know about the Windows port. but on my Windows, it loads a little slow for me.