With version v3.00.1303 I 5 cookies are not deleted (in options and "cookies" are:
I would like to know how to remove them?
Thank you much.
Kind regards.
Andr? Becker
Andr?, this is an english forum. If you are able to please type in english. I assume the browser that you use is Firefox, is this correct? Please make sure there are no instances of your browser running in the windows task manager under the processes tab.
Andr?, c'est un forum anglais. Si vous entrez en anglais. Je suppose que le navigateur que vous utilisez est Firefox, est ce correct ? Assurez-vous qu'il n'y a aucune instance de votre navigateur en cours d'ex?cution dans le gestionnaire des t?ches windows sous l'onglet processus.
Andr?, this is an english forum. If you are able to please type in english. I assume the browser that you use is Firefox, is this correct? Please make sure there are no instances of your browser running in the windows task manager under the processes tab.
Andr?, c'est un forum anglais. Si vous entrez en anglais. Je suppose que le navigateur que vous utilisez est Firefox, est ce correct ? Assurez-vous qu'il n'y a aucune instance de votre navigateur en cours d'ex?cution dans le gestionnaire des t?ches windows sous l'onglet processus.
Well, good afternoon. No i am using IE8 (Internet explorer 8) or Google Chrome. I had no such a problem with former version. So there are now 5 cookies which are not at all deleted and i am wondering how can i do to erase them ? Many thanks for your kind help and sorry for my bad English writing.
Actually your English is tons better than my computer aided French
This sounds to be a ghost cookie issue (cookies staying listed in the cookies to delete column even though the physical cookies have been removed). Usually a reboot of the machine clears this and (also) there have been some recent reports that unchecking index.dat files, in the internet explorer section, before a clean seems to cause the cookies not to appear.
The developers are actively looking into this issue.
(Here comes my bad french translation)
En fait, votre anglais est meilleur que mon tonnes assist?e par ordinateur en fran?ais;)
Cela semble ?tre un probl?me de cookie fant?me (cookies rester inscrites dans les cookies ? supprimer la colonne, m?me si les cookies physiques ont ?t? supprim?s). Habituellement, un red?marrage de la machine autorise cela. En outre, ces derni?res certaines personnes ont signal? que d?cochant la case "fichiers index.dat" coche, dans la section Internet Explorer, avant un nettoyage semble causer les cookies de ne pas compara?tre.
Les d?veloppeurs cherchent activement dans cette question.
Actually your English is tons better than my computer aided French
This sounds to be a ghost cookie issue (cookies staying listed in the cookies to delete column even though the physical cookies have been removed). Usually a reboot of the machine clears this and (also) there have been some recent reports that unchecking index.dat files, in the internet explorer section, before a clean seems to cause the cookies not to appear.
The developers are actively looking into this issue.
(Here comes my bad french translation)
En fait, votre anglais est meilleur que mon tonnes assist?e par ordinateur en fran?ais;)
Cela semble ?tre un probl?me de cookie fant?me (cookies rester inscrites dans les cookies ? supprimer la colonne, m?me si les cookies physiques ont ?t? supprim?s). Habituellement, un red?marrage de la machine autorise cela. En outre, ces derni?res certaines personnes ont signal? que d?cochant la case "fichiers index.dat" coche, dans la section Internet Explorer, avant un nettoyage semble causer les cookies de ne pas compara?tre.
Les d?veloppeurs cherchent activement dans cette question.
Thank you very much for your answer Nergal i can see better the problem now and i hope it will be fixed very shortly by the developper.
I will wait and see. Many thanks again and have a nice night.
On the Win7 box did you try my suggestion from above.
Usually a reboot of the machine clears this and (also) there have been some recent reports that unchecking index.dat files, in the internet explorer section, before a clean seems to cause the cookies not to appear
On the Win7 box did you try my suggestion from above.
Yes, I have checked your suggestion however no help. Did not work. Problem still in effect... What is curious is that i have not this problem on my PC Widows XP.