I am using Win 7 and CCleaner 3.07.1457
In the options area where you can create a list of cookies for CCl to ignore when running its cleaning I now have a blank area (in the 'Cookies to delete' column on the left side is where it's blank).
There aren't any cookies listed there at all
And I check after visiting lots of new sites, running a cleaning which deletes all the cookies except the list I have (previously before this prob) created of cookies to keep. I even close firefox, reopen firefox, close firefox and close and reopen CCleaner.
There is the bar to look up and add cookies manually but it doesn't 'find' any even though they're there.
Up until now that list has always been long and I could just scroll and find a site I wanted to keep and double click it to move it over to the 'Cookies to Keep' list.
Anyone else having this problem?