"Cookies To Delete" window is blank


I am a long time user of CCleaner. I upgraded to v1.25.201 a few days ago.

When I go to Options/Cookies the "Cookies to Delete" panel remains empty! :angry:

The "Cookies To Keep" panel shows all the cookies I selected (using the previous version) correctly.

A look at c:\windows\cookies shows that there are many "undesireable" cookies to be cleaned.

Is this a bug or am I overlooking something? :blink:


OS = Windows 98SE



Jadag - Montreal - Canada

See http://forum.ccleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=3040 &

http://forum.ccleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=1551 for a couple of possible explanations.

Thanks Glen but neither of the above links have helped other than to confirm that other users also have the same frustration. This does seem to be a Ccleaner bug in the new version as this hasn't happened in previous versions. Also I see other users also report this problem in the latest version and not previous ones.

This is a major problem for me as I need to keep cookies of sites that I have specific setups for.

It's not new ... it was reported by others in 1.23. I had the problem in 1.23, didn't seem to have it in 1.24 or 1.25, and now have it again in 1.26.

Just a thought, the way this seems to come and go with updates, could it be a bug in the installer?