in CCleaner under options>cookies,the are two lists: cookies to delete, and cookies to keep.
on the cookies to delete list,is there any way to,if you like,'refresh' this list as there are a lot of entries under it from sites i no longer visit.
so i would like to restart this list from scratch again.
the reason i ask is i have to scroll and search through a ton of entires when i want to send one to the cookies to keep list.
Ok then to start off with a clean list open up Options\Cookies and move all the cookies from the Cookies to Keep list to the Cookies to delete list. Go back to Cleaner and make sure the Cookies option is ticked and do a Run Cleaner.
Now every site you now visit and you want to keep the cookie open CCleaner and go back to Options\Cookies and move that site to the Cookies to Keep list. Now cookies aren't always named as you would think. Depending on how many sites you want to save this could take a while. Now that you've done a full clean any sites that need a username and password will be lost. You will have to login again and start from fresh. Once these sites are added to your Cookies to Keep list then you will be safe again.
thanks for the responses,but i tried this just after posting:
i used revo-uninstaller to uninstall CCleaner and then double checked to make sure nothing was left in program files/application data folder etc...
i then ran registry mechanic just in case any entries for CCleaner might have be left in the registry.
restarted the computer then installed the latest version (v2.15.815).
all the previous cookie entries where still there in the cookies to delete list-nearly 100 entries....where on earth are these entires being remembered from?
i had to go through the entire list of cookies to allow the ones i wanted to keep.
they cant be from the cookies folder as there are only 32 cookie files in there.
surely the 'cookies to delete' list monitors the cookies folder to see what is being added should you go to new sites,then these will be added into the cookies to delete list when you open CCleaner.
as i only have 32 cookies i require not deleting-and these are in the cookies to keep list now anyway,why is the cokkies to delete list NOT empty??
i know it isn't a major problem,but this list should be empty.
i used revo-uninstaller to uninstall CCleaner and then double checked to make sure nothing was left in program files/application data folder etc...
i then ran registry mechanic just in case any entries for CCleaner might have be left in the registry.
restarted the computer then installed the latest version (v2.15.815).
Windows Add/Remove - CCleaner is pretty good by itself.
all the previous cookie entries where still there in the cookies to delete list-nearly 100 entries....where on earth are these entires being remembered from?
Actually Mike I forgot to ask you. Which browser are you using?
Any cookies that CC lists in the Cookies to Delete ListBox will be the cookies it finds in username cookies.
all the previous cookie entries where still there in the cookies to delete list-nearly 100 entries....where on earth are these entires being remembered from?
i had to go through the entire list of cookies to allow the ones i wanted to keep.
they cant be from the cookies folder as there are only 32 cookie files in there.
,why is the cokkies to delete list NOT empty??
i know it isn't a major problem,but this list should be empty.
Hello Mike,
And welcome also. !!!
Past "cookies" files from various versions of various browsers are now being detected by CCleaner.
Some of these files will have to be manually deleted as CCleaner "cookies" deletion has not been able to keep pace with all these browser design changes. Deleting these files may cause the "cookies to delete" list to be correct.
Do a "search" for "cookies" and see what you can find. Some users have found old Firefox,Chrome and/or Opera files.
A possible problem is being looked into for the latest version of Opera.
thanks for the responses,but i tried this just after posting:
i used revo-uninstaller to uninstall CCleaner and then double checked to make sure nothing was left in program files/application data folder etc...
i then ran registry mechanic just in case any entries for CCleaner might have be left in the registry.
restarted the computer then installed the latest version (v2.15.815).
all the previous cookie entries where still there in the cookies to delete list-nearly 100 entries....where on earth are these entires being remembered from?
i had to go through the entire list of cookies to allow the ones i wanted to keep.
they cant be from the cookies folder as there are only 32 cookie files in there.
surely the 'cookies to delete' list monitors the cookies folder to see what is being added should you go to new
I think you have not understood the situation.
CCleaner does NOT preserve "cookies to delete list" anywhere;
It CREATES a list of cookies that are accumulated and maintained by your browsers.
You would have to aim revo-uninstaller etc. at all your browsers for CCleaner to find zero to delete,
and if it found a non-zero quantity then one of your browsers created a cookie which defeated revo-installer.
CCleaner does not control the cookies in the "cookies to delete list" - it merely reports what it finds depending upon which options you have checked.
CCleaner DOES preserve the "cookies to keep" list;
and the fact that you had to go through the "cookies to delete list" to re-instate what you wanted to keep shows that you had purged everything which CCleaner and stored.
You actually wasted a lot of time and effort.
I always go for the "portable" build and create a new folder into which to unzip it.
This gives me a brand new start.
Then I copy CCleaner.ini from the previous folder, and the next time I use the new version it has all my previous adjustments.
No nonsense with the registry.
Immediate ability to run the OLD version to compare and see what is new
and to even analyse (without cleaning) and count the number of bytes/files which each version can deal with.
Actually Mike I forgot to ask you. Which browser are you using?
Any cookies that CC lists in the Cookies to Delete ListBox will be the cookies it finds in username cookies.
this question solved the problem i was having.
although i only now use internet explorer 7,i do have firefox,opera and safari installed also which i have used in the past.
i opened CCleaner and clicked the applications tab-the cookies boxes for those other 3 browsers where unchecked.
so i checked them,and then clicked analyze.
all the cookies in cookies to delete list showed i ran the cleaner then checked the cookies to delete list and everything has now been cleared apart from everything in the cookies to keep list.
thanks for the help.
ps CCleaner may uninstall everything that it installs,but other programs i have used then uninstalled leave a lot of 'crap' shall we say.
revo-uninstaller tends to remove more then what the original program's uninstaller by itself leaves behind.
i understand CCleaner uninstalls everything without having to use revo.