Cookies to be saved - where are they

Hi everybody, I am new to this forum.

I am a new (and very happy) user of CCleaner !

And I have a small question :

How is CCleaner keeping track of the cookies that I want to keep ?

Why do I want to know ?

- I am making images of my C-drive regularly

- And I do want to keep track of my CCleaner settings, including the cookies of my choice.

Can anybody help me please ? What file should I include in my file-backup ?



I assume you are using the latest version (1.22.142) as the interface has changed a bit.

Start CCleaner, go to Options and then click on cookies. If you have not done this before, all of the cookies should be on the left side. Highlight the ones you want to keep and move them with the arrow buttons to the right side.

Then go back to the Cleaner window and under Windows, make sure the "cookies" check is checked (if you are using I.E.). It will delete only the "cookies to delete" in the above paragraph. If you are using Firefox, the setting is under Cleaner / Applications.

Having said that, I acutally use a separate cookie management program, also free, called Cookie Monster for several years.

If you use it, be sure to UNcheck cookies in the two places above and let Cookie Monster handle them for you.

I assume you are using the latest version (1.22.142) as the interface has changed a bit.

Start CCleaner, go to Options and then click on cookies. If you have not done this before, all of the cookies should be on the left side. Highlight the ones you want to keep and move them with the arrow buttons to the right side.

Then go back to the Cleaner window and under Windows, make sure the "cookies" check is checked (if you are using I.E.). It will delete only the "cookies to delete" in the above paragraph. If you are using Firefox, the setting is under Cleaner / Applications.

Having said that, I acutally use a separate cookie management program, also free, called Cookie Monster for several years.

If you use it, be sure to UNcheck cookies in the two places above and let Cookie Monster handle them for you.

Hi Gwailo, thanks for this quick answer.

I did know this actualy, my question was : where does CCleaner keep its settings ?

(including the cookies that I decided to keep)

I'd like to backup this info.

Hi Gwailo, thanks for this quick answer.

I did know this actualy, my question was : where does CCleaner keep its settings ?

(including the cookies that I decided to keep)

I'd like to backup this info.

OK, I found it : it's all in the registry.

OK, I found it : it's all in the registry.

Glad you found where as I would have assumed the registry but did not know myself.

So let me ask you a question ... where is it in the registry and how do you search for it?

Glad you found where as I would have assumed the registry but did not know myself.

So let me ask you a question ... where is it in the registry and how do you search for it?

Start Regedit.exe or another Registry-editor such as Registry Workshop.

Do a search for CCleaner.

This should bring you to :

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options

Look in that section for "cookiestosae" - they are all there.

Please get back to me if this wasn't clear to you.

Start Regedit.exe or another Registry-editor such as Registry Workshop.

Do a search for CCleaner.

This should bring you to :

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options

Look in that section for "cookiestosae" - they are all there.

Please get back to me if this wasn't clear to you.

How about that, there they are! Thanks for the input poetser.