Cookies remain after cleaning?

Despite running CCleaner, in its "Options" tab and then "Cookies" there are listed under the "Cookies to delete" column lots of cookies for sites I know I have not visited in ages, many media related - eg and

Does this mean that despite often running CCleaner, those sites have succeeded in installing cookies that do not get deleted? (I had expected the list of "Cookies to delete" to be empty after running the CCleaner.) Thanks in advance for any explanation/solution.

(Running on Vista Home Premium OS, CCleaner (v2.36.1233) is set to check every option in "Applications" and in "Windows" all of the options under "Internet Explorer", "Windows Explorer" and the first 7 options under "System" except for the 5th - "Chkdsk file fragments". None of the "Advanced" options are checked.)

Are the Phyiscal Cookie Files still there if not it could a(nother) case of ghost cookies which should disappear at computer reboot

Are the Phyiscal Cookie Files still there if not it could a(nother) case of ghost cookies which should disappear at computer reboot

Thanks for your response, Nergal.

No, the physical cookie files where not still there, at least not visibly so in the Cookie file.

I have though now found a solution - using Mil Shield. Perhaps the Index.DAT file in the cookies folder still contained information - Mil Shield claims to zap that too, seemingly unlike CCleaner. After using Mil Shield, CCleaner has an empty (as expected/wanted)"Cookies to delete" column.

It may have been that the cookie information that was appearing in the "Cookies to delete" column was from activity pre-CCleaner installation - not sure, but most of the cookies related to websites I do not recall visiting for some long while.

Are the Phyiscal Cookie Files still there if not it could a(nother) case of ghost cookies which should disappear at computer reboot

Was it ever determined why this ghosting happens? I noticed the problem started with the 2.35 version and has continued on with each newer release. Versions prior to 2.35 leave no ghost residue in the Cookie To Delete section so something must have been changed in 2.35.

Checking afresh, having accessed hotmail which was one of the sites that left cookies in the list of "Cookies to delete" after running CCleaner, I found:

- 2 hotmail-related cookies listed after cleaning,

- re-running the "analyze" function lists under "Details of files to be deleted" the following -

"Internet Explorer - Index.dat files 0KB 7 files".

Re-re-running CCleaner shows no further deletions but the two cookies are still listed under "Cookies to delete" .

Subsequent use of Mil Shield causes the "Cookies to delete" list to empty. The Mil Shield report of its cleaning activity also records removal of numerous temporary internet files that seemingly were not captured by the CCleaner run previously: that is a major puzzle.

Index.dats are locking by the operating system and are deleted after reboot.

other programs can indeed clean dats without reboot and I've never been sure how they do it as opposed to how ccleaner does it.

Index.dats are locking by the operating system and are deleted after reboot.

other programs can indeed clean dats without reboot and I've never been sure how they do it as opposed to how ccleaner does it.

Thanks again Nergal for explaining. It may well be the answer to what I had seen happening.

Just now though I ran CCleaner (configuration as in OP) and then immediately after I ran Mil Shield which reported:

Cleaning Temporary Internet files

4 items deleted.

Operation successful.

I do not know what a "favicon" is but there were a good few of them in the list of "Cookies to delete" list that I found originally.

Also, and even more puzzling/disturbing as CCleaner deletes IE history, there was:

Cleaning IE browse history records

Visited: Vaio@

Visited: Vaio@

(long list of similar - 54 items in total)

54 items (9.72 KB) deleted.

Operation successful.

! I would be reassuring to understand why Mil Shield up these items when CCleaner has been run and no internet activity is undertaken meanwhile.

I do not know what a "favicon" is but there were a good few of them in the list of "Cookies to delete" list that I found originally.

favicon = favorites icon / shortcut icon, etc.

I do not know what a "favicon" is but there were a good few of them in the list of "Cookies to delete" list that I found originally.

it's the little picture you see in your address bar and on the corner of tabs (more at )

Thanks Nergal and Kroozer.

Those favicons should be cleaned away by CCleaner though, no?

I have found that if you select all the cookies left in 'delete' column and move them to the right hand side (cookies to be kept), run CCleaner and then select them all and try to move them back to the 'delete' side, they disappear.