Go to Tools, Delete Browsing History, tick the Cookies and website data and hit Delete.
That way you know you have a clean slate to start with, just in case it was some sort or upgrade to win8.1 or IE11 or new CC version migration problem.
Then surf some sites, see if you have Cookies, run CC and see if they go.
(PS, don't list your problem in more than 1 post, it makes it hard for others to check for a solution if they only look at your other post )
Had already replied to the other post (as mta says please don't double post, it just gets confusing for people trying to help you)
Can you highlight one of the cookies in the 'to delete' list and see what icon shows at the bottom of the ccleaner page.
Are you using Windows RT? (touch screen)
If within Internet Explorer you go into internet options ..tools, you can clear cookies and history that way. It may kickstart ccleaner which for some reason isn't working for you.
Or open Internet Options from you control Panel and use the general tab.
Can you let us know if after doing this ccleaner works.
I'll delete the other posts and move this one to the correct area.
After going to Tools, Delete Browsing History in IE 11, all cookies are deleted. When I go to CCleaner, there are no cookies listed in the Delete Listing and no cookies listed in the Keep Listing. Thus I have a clean slate. After going to various web sites and creating more cookies when I run CCleaner it appears that the cookies have been deleted since when I run CCleaner again it does not show any cookies to be deleted. However, the cookies in the Delete Listing still show up. They are never deleted from the Delete Listing. I even uninstalled CCleaner and reinstalled it thinking that might help but it didn't.
To all having this issue, if you look at the bottom bar with one of these cookies highlighted, what is the icon, if you can't describe it please post an screenshot. Thank you
Having the same problem. The cookies from browsing with IE 11 still show up in the cookie list even after running the program. Also CC Cleaner will not delete Adobe Flash cookies even though I have the Adobe Flash Player box checked under the Applications Tab. I have to go to the Adobe Settings web site to delete the Flash Cookies.
After working on this for several hours, I had discovered the problem. After running CCleaner, all the cookies that still show up in the Delete Listing are cookies that were generated by web sites that I have made Favorites. The only way I can clear these cookies from the Delete Listing is to run Delete Browsing History in IE11 and uncheck the box that says Preserve Favorites Web Site Data. However, by doing this I wipe out all the cookies that I want to save including web sites that I use for banking. If this is the only way to clear the Delete Listing, then I might has well uninstall CCleaner. Previous editions of CCleaner deleted all cookies including cookies generated by sites that I had in my favorites. The only cookies that were saved were those I had in the Cookies to Keep Listing.
Well I thought I had this solved but now I find IE cookies are still in the Delete Listing which are not associated with a web site that I have designated as a Favorite.
To all having this issue, if you look at the bottom bar with one of these cookies highlighted, what is the icon, if you can't describe it please post an screenshot. Thank you
For example, when I go to http://www.clevelandbrowns.com, it creates multiple cookies in the Delete Listing. After running CCleaner, all cookies are removed from the Delete listing except for one. The listing shows www.clevelandbrowns. When I highlight that cookie, down at the bottom bar it shows the IE icon (the Internet Explorer blue E) next to the words www.clevelandbrowns.
That web site is not a Favorite. I can run CCleaner multiple times and it never removes that cookie from the Delete Listing.
Thank you steven, and that report will aid the developers in finding this bug. Are you running internet sites with or without protected mode and the new enhanced security enabled or disabled (found in Options > advanced )
I found out what the problem is. When people upgrade to Windows 8.1 and IE11, Enable Enhanced Protected Mode is enabled by default (It was not under 8.0). If I surf the Internet with Enhanced Protected Mode disabled, CCleaner will remove all cookies in the Delete Listing. If I surf the Internet using Enhanced Protected Mode, only some cookies are deleted in the Delete Listing. Using the Cleveland Browns website I mentioned in my other post, I went to that web site using Enhanced Protected Mode and with Enhanced Protected Mode disabled. Under the Enhanced Protected Mode enabled, CCleaner will not delete the cookie www.clevelandbrowns. Going to the web site with Enhanced Protected Mode disabled, CCleaner deleted the cookie. So you were right on track that the issue is with Enhanced Protected Mode.
Thank you for confirming that suspicion Steven, this will help others in the same boat. (I had a similar issues because enhanced security was enabled after 8.1 and it disabled a legacy plugin that I rely on as a daily driver)
Hopefully the software people will be able to fix this with the next edition of CCleaner. In the meantime, I guess I will just surf the Internet with Enable Enhanced Protected Mode disabled.